Where they kiss you

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Harry: he loves to kiss you on your neck, he's so much taller than you that he just nuzzles into your neck and peppers little kisses up and down making you giggle every single time.

Campbell: this boy lovessss kissing you on your forehead/cheek. He does it in public to show everyone that you're his. He'll grasp your face in his hands and place long passionate kisses on your forehead.

Grizz: this mans right here is soooo old-schooled. He's not really into pda but from time to time he'll just grab your hand and press sweet kisses to your knuckles making you blush like crazy because how did you find someone as sweet as him?!

Elle: This Cutie will walk up behind you when you're least expecting it and kiss you right under your earlobe. She loves the reaction it draws from you, making you needy and clingy. She absolutely adores it and swoons every time.

Allie: Allie loves to go straight for your pink plump lips, she's very busy most of the time so doesn't have much time to spare showering you with cute pda kisses on your cheek or hand. That doesn't mean you don't enjoy it less ;)

Ooof guys I think I have a problem

I'm completely obsessed with Toby Wallace a.k.a: Campbell. Legit just want to read Campbell fics all day everyday but there's literally none :(

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