Home with Tears

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Peter didn't experience a good day. The teachers were loading everyone with homework and it would take a day or 2 to finish one subject. Peter got things out from his locker and stuffed them in his bag.

He was leaving the school until Flash and his friends stopped him.

Flash: "Hey Penis. You think you gets free pass for today huh?"
Peter: "If I get a free pass, I would use it to escape you're ass life."
Flash was boiling.

Flash: "Wrong move Parker."
He punched Peter hard in the face and he let out a groan. His friends kicked him and possibly have broken bones. Now Peter has a black eye, bloody nose, painful jaw, broken rib or two, bruises and a cut lip.

How will his family think when they'll see him? What he's gonna say, got hit by a bus at 40mph? He barely walked properly to the Tower. It took him an hour and he had his hood pulled so no one can see his face. He took the elevator and thought about things. Flash beat him multiple times but he didn't deserve it. And he always says thing about his parents and Uncle Ben. That made him cry. He didn't realize the doors opened before he got the chance to wipe his tears.

The Avengers are all in the living room to watch a movie. They said a mixture of hello's and Hi Peter without looking at him as they were focused on the movie. Peter dropped his bag and ran to Pepper and Tony to hug them.

Pepper: "Peter? What's wrong hon-OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!"
The others were alerted and shocked to see the teenager has a busted face.
Peter didn't say anything but cried and cried. Tony rubbed his back soothingly while Pepper checked his face.

Clint: "Kid, did you got hit by a car?"
Sam: "Ran to a bus?"
Scott: "Did a pole hit you?"

Steve glared at the three for asking stupid questions. Strange and Bruce check for his injuries.

Natasha: "Над тобой издевались Peter?"(were you bullied?) she asked with sadness in her voice.
Peter looked up to her and nodded.
Bucky: "Since when buddy?"
Peter: "Since school started." he said quietly.
Rhodey: "Why didn't you make a move?"
Peter: "Because I'm scared on how hard I will hurt him if I punched back."

The others understood how careful and caring Peter is. That's what makes him pure of heart no matter who the people are.

Tony: "Listen Pete. Tomorrow, that bully will expect you to come. So what if we come to 'talk' to him?"
Peter: "O-okay."
Pepper: "Stephen? Bruce?"
Strange: "Nothing very serious. His enhanced healing can heal them in a few hours but his bones might not."

Tony: "Bones?!" he exclaimed.
Bruce: "Strange is a neurosurgeon, he can feel a bone broken or cracked. Peter got a broken rib here." he pointed at Peter's left upper rib.

Natasha: "Why don't we let the doctors so they're work and then we continue watching the movie with Peter afterwards?" they all agreed.

Soon the Avengers watched Frozen with Peter cuddling with his family.

Next day

Peter called Ned and MJ the Avengers are coming to school to guard Peter. Ofc, Ned fanboy and MJ was chill. When they arrived Peter told them to stay for a moment and he would call them using Karen.

Parker Luck™ had to go through.
Flash: "Hey Parker! Back for more?" he and his buddies shoved him at the lockers while one of them punched Peter. Peter quietly signaled Karen and The Avengers walked in. Everyone gave way for the Heroes and faced Flash.

Steve: "Son, I need you come with us. So will your friends." he said crossing his arms. Flash saw them and quickly recognized them as the mighty Avengers.
Flash and his mates were trembling. Natasha and Tony took a look at Peter's new injury and faced Flash.

Natasha: "Peter told us you bullied him since high school. Judging the fact you recognize his name I'll take it as a yes."

Everyone in the hallway were looking at them and some took videos and pics.
Soon the Principal and some teachers walked in.
Principal: "What is going on here? Mr. Parker, you better have an explanation for this mess."
Tony: "I'll speak for him. Peer told us he was bullied since highschool."
Rhodey: "Yet, did any of the superiors take action?"

The teachers kept quiet.
Rhodey: "I'll take that as a no."
Sam: "Let's take this conversation inside."

Peter met up Ned and MJ in the commotion while the Avengers takes to the Principal and teachers while Flash and his friends were inside as well.

MJ: "Hey loser."
Ned: "Dude, that's so cool!"
Peter: "My family always take care of me so why not? Plus, I think Flash deserves all of this."

The Avengers walked out and takes forever Peter.
Steve: "He won't be bothering you again Pete. If anyone is bullying you again, talk to us."
Peter smiled and hugged Steve. Steve hugged back while half the school were watching them.

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