2: First Day

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Muffled buzzing steadily roused Eren from his sleep. Eyes still closed he felt around for his phone. He peeked one eye open to look at the time; 6:30am. Groaning he turned his alarm off and buried his face in his pillow. I'll get up in a couple of minutes., he thought to himself. He jolted when he heard a steady knock on his bedroom door. "Eren, get up."
"Mikasa, go away." His voice was muffled by his pillow. He cursed under his breath as she pulled his blanket off of him. "Ok ok, I'm getting up." He sat up and glared over at her.
Not to his surprise she was already completely dressed and ready to start the day. "Armin is already here, hurry up. We don't wanna be late."
Eren just waved her away not wanting to talk. As she went downstairs he walked over to his closet rummaging through his clothes. Armin and Mikasa had always dressed up for the first day ever since 1st grade, but Eren didn't care much. Of course the first day was important but not important enough to make him stress over what to wear. No, going the route of comfort over style he picked out a gray pocket tee and his favorite green flannel. It was littered with holes but he loved it nonetheless.
He slung his beat up black backpack over one shoulder and shoved his phone into his back pocket before heading downstairs. The morning news played on the tv as his mom watched it quietly. She noticed him as he hurried down the stairs. "Ah good morning sleepyhead! I was afraid I'd have to send Mikasa up there again."
"I didn't sleep in that late." He half mumbled to himself. Not hearing his comment she went back to watching the news.
Entering the dining room he saw Armin and Mikasa sitting at the table chatting. "Sorry to make you guys wait." Eren said dropping his bag down. Quickly he made himself a bowl of cereal before sitting down with them. "Y'all already eat?" He said around a mouthful of food.
They both nodded. "Eren, we could've eaten a 3 course meal by the time you woke up." Armin teased.
Eren kicked at his chair leg from under the table. "Shut up." He shoveled more cereal into his mouth. "Mikasa, sorry I snapped at you a little."
She just smiled and shrugged. "You're always cranky when you first wake up." She looked down at her phone momentarily before dropping it in her backpack. "We gotta go if we wanna make it on time."
Eren nodded hurriedly finishing up as Armin and Mikasa made their way over to the front door. Not bothering to unlace his shoes he quickly pulled them onto his feet. His mom got up from the couch as they were ready to leave.
"Y'all have a good first day back and be respectful to your teachers." They all voiced their agreement. She ruffled all three of their hair as she sent them off. Eren shook his head reaching a hand up to smooth his hair again.
"Mrs. Yeager," Armin spoke up. "My mom said she'd stop by later today to help you with anything around the house."
Eren's mom smiled sweetly. "That's very kind of her." She was silent for a moment. "Ok off you go. Don't want to be late on the first day."
"Bye Mom." Eren and Mikasa said in unison.
They walked in silence for a few minutes before Mikasa spoke. "Armin, we really appreciate your family helping us out. Thanks."
Armin shook his head. "It's no big deal, really. Everybody needs an extra hand every once in awhile."
Eren stayed out of their conversation, caught up with his own thoughts. Worry still ate at him every time he thought of his mother. He hadn't slept well last night. Or the past couple of nights before that. Nightmares kept him from getting any rest. He rubbed at his forehead trying to push his nagging thoughts away. Still not completely aware of his surroundings he noticed Armin looking over at him. "Huh?"
"I said are you alright?" Armin repeated.
Eren quickly straightened up. "Yeah, just not completely awake yet." He smiled hoping not to worry his friend.
Armin opened his mouth to say something but Mikasa cut him off. "You can see the school from here."
They all looked up to catch a glimpse of the school. Trost High. Although this was their 2nd year the sheer size of the school still seemed daunting. The entirety of the school housed 2,000 students each year. A twinge of worry blossomed in Eren's stomach. There's nothing to be afraid of. You've already been here before! Despite his mental pep talk he couldn't rid himself of his anxiousness.
Another 5 or so minutes had passed and the trio made it to the front entrance of the school. Students hurried inside clearly afflicted with first day jitters. Teachers stood by the entrances directing students where they needed to be. Pointing to the trio a teacher asked, "What grade are y'all in?"
"10th grade." Armin answered for the group.
"Sophomores meet up in auditorium B." The teacher was too busy guiding other students to say anymore.
They shuffled in alongside the overwhelming amount of students. Once in and finally given some space Eren felt a bit more at ease. "I hope you guys remember where auditorium B is." He said half chuckling.
"I'll lead the way." Mikasa strode forward holding onto Eren and Armin's wrists to not lose them in the crowd.
Eren was going to protest to her holding his hand in public but he really didn't have the energy for it. Keeping his mouth shut he just focused on walking. As the auditorium came into view he groaned when he saw someone he'd hoped he wouldn't have to see so early in the morning. Jean.
Almost immediately he spotted them and made his way over with his usual stupid grin plastered on his face. Eren yanked his hand out of Mikasa's grip before he came over. "Hey guys! Can't believe it's been a whole year." It seemed like he was addressing the group but his eyes stayed focused on Mikasa clearly only coming over to see her. His obvious crush on her was almost painful to witness.
What made it worse was Mikasa's obvious disinterest in him. Completely ignoring Jean she turned to Armin and Eren. "Let's hurry inside so we can get good seats."
Jean, the oblivious, followed the group too. At the double doors to the auditorium were two teachers handing out schedules to the students as they entered. Sorting by last name one teacher scanned over the list while the other handed over the individual's schedule for the first half of the year. Armin and Mikasa got theirs easily, the benefit of having a last name starting with the letter 'A'. Jean got his too leaving Eren last.
"Last name?" The teacher asked not lifting their eyes from the list.
"Yeager." Eren looked around the teacher at his friends. He waved a hand at them to leave knowing it'd take awhile to find his name. They seemed to understand.
"Yeager..Yeager.." The teacher droned on as he flipped through page after page. "Ah, there you are. Eren, right?"
"Yes." He was thankful it hadn't taken too long. The teacher handed him his schedule and he hurried inside to find his friends. There was a lot of students packed in there. Eren's eyes skimmed over heads trying to pick out specifically Armin's golden hair. He was always the easiest to spot in a crowd.
They spotted each other simultaneously and Eren hurried over as Armin waved him down. "I saved you a seat." Armin said settling back down into his spot.
Shrugging off his backpack Eren plopped down next to him. "Thanks." He leaned over seeing Jean comparing his schedule with Mikasa's no doubt looking for which classes they shared. Somehow he'd managed to separate her from Armin and Eren, keeping her to himself.
Armin saw where Eren was looking and smiled half heartedly. "Jean sat with Mikasa before I could sit in between them."
Eren smiled as Mikasa looked to the two of them as if asking for rescue. "Poor Mikasa." He muttered to Armin. He held out his schedule that he had somehow already managed to crumple. "Let me see your schedule." Armin held his beside Eren's as they gazed over it together. Only three of their classes overlapped but that was good enough for Eren.
"You, me, and Mikasa have 1st period together." Armin stated happily. "I'm glad we can all start our day together."
"Don't leave me out, I'm in that class with you too." Jean piped in.
"It was almost perfect." Eren said with a sneer. Jean huffed snatching up Eren's schedule with nimble fingers. "Hey!"
"I'll give it right back." He scanned over Eren's schedule scoffing. "So you switched out soccer for a cooking class?"
Eren quickly took back his schedule. "Yeah, I was tired of soccer. So what?"
"You were the best on our team last year. Why give up something you're good at?" Eren kept quiet. "By the way, we have 3rd period together." Jean added.
Mikasa passed her schedule over to Armin. "I'm in 3rd period with you too, Eren." She'd been extra quiet this whole time. Probably because she didn't want to interact with Jean.
After glancing over her schedule he didn't see any other classes that lined up with his. "That's the only class we have together." He said handing her back her schedule.
"Oh." She seemed disappointed.
Eren smiled warmly at her. "We all have B lunch though, so you'll see us then." She lit up slightly. He never liked seeing her upset.
"Excuse me." Eren looked over as someone tried to get his attention. "Is anyone sitting here?" The meek voice belonged to a small girl with long golden hair. She stared at him with big blue eyes waiting for an answer.
"No, you can sit here." He watched her as she sighed in relief dropping her book bag at her feet.
"I was running late and I thought there wouldn't be any seats left." She smiled at him as if they'd been friends all their lives. He had to admit she looked familiar but he couldn't remember where he'd seen her before. Maybe they shared a class together last year? He wasn't sure. She delicately unfolded her schedule and looked over it quietly. "What classes are you taking?"
He jumped slightly not expecting her to start a conversation. "Uh.." He dug through his pocket and pulled out his now badly crumpled schedule. Unfolding it he held it out so she could look at it.
She pushed her blond hair to one side as she compared their schedule's. "Oh we have 2 classes together!" With a delicate hand she pointed at his schedule. "Art and Culinary Arts." She leaned back into her chair folding her schedule back up. "I hope those classes are fun. Oh I didn't introduce myself! I'm Christa Lenz!" Her brilliant blue eyes bore into Eren.
"I'm Eren Yeager." She was so outward and friendly Eren was a little taken back.
Her sweet and friendly smile seemed too bright for him to handle. "It's nice to meet you, Eren." She looked like she wanted to say more but Principal Smith hushed the crowd as he began opening ceremonies.
Eren didn't bother to focus on what he was saying. He knew it wasn't important, just the principal going on about 'shaping young minds' and 'the young people paving their way into the future' speech he most likely gave every year to every grade. Eren occasionally glanced over to Christa as she had her eyes glued to the principal, eating up every word he said. She seemed like the type of person to really fall into these types of motivational speeches. Taking every word as fact and holding it dear to their hearts.
Before he knew it Principal Erwin was dismissing them to their first period of the day. Eren grabbed his backpack mentally preparing himself for the rest of the day before Christa snapped him back to reality. "I'll see you in 2nd period." She sounded so cheerful he couldn't help but smile down at her.
"Yeah I'll see you then." Without another word she made her way out of the auditorium and towards her first class.
Armin looked at Eren as he watched her leave. "Who was that?"
Eren scratched the back of his head. "Someone I just met." As he walked with Armin, Mikasa, and Jean to their first period he could catch glimpses of her golden hair as she weaved through the crowded halls.
For the life of him he couldn't figure out why he was so enamored by, seemingly, a stranger.

End of Chapter 2

Author's Notes: Sorry this one was a bit long, there was just a lot of stuff I wanted to pack in! Also Christa's real name (Historia) will be used later on in this story, but not right away, specifically for plot purposes. I hope you enjoy this! Thank u for reading :)

The main trios schedules, If y'all were interested!

1st period: World History
2nd period: Art I
3rd period: Geometry
4th period: Study Hall
Lunch: B
5th period: Culinary Arts
6th period: English II
7th period: Chemistry
After school activities: none.

1st period: World History
2nd period: Photo Journalism
3rd period: German II
4th period: Geometry
Lunch: B
5th period: Agriculture
6th period: English II
7th period: Chemistry
After school activities: Journalism/Year book staff.

1st period: World History
2nd period: Athletics
3rd period: Geometry
4th period: English II
Lunch: B
5th period: Agriculture
6th period: Chemistry
7th period: Speech
After school activities: Volleyball practice.

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