Chapter 13 : My love for all of time

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Chapter 13 is here! I don't own Junjou Romantica at all but this fanfic? Yes I do~

Misaki POV

I stayed with usagi during the month, I only left Usagi's side to go to school and get new clothes. I didn't want to leave Usagi alone. Hi didn't act like he was getting weaker but I could tell that as the time went by, his completion was getting visibly more pale and he was getting thinner by the day. Seeing Usagi like that scared me. He was never in any pain but Usagi was spending most of his time sleeping. When he did sleep, I would always hold his hand and pray that he would stay with me. I knew it was selfish, Usagi wasn't even able to do basic things anymore, he couldn't even hold a fork so I always fed him and joked with him. Doing my best to look happy and make him happy. It was painful to be by his side, to slowly watch the one I love slowly become frailer and weaker right before my eyes.

After three weeks, I had just returned to the hospital from school.

" hi Usagi!"

I called happily as I walked over too his bedside, he smiled at me weakly. Hie kind lavender eyes lit up when I arrived.

"How was school Misaki?"

It was great me and Sumi-Sempai helped work on posters for a bake sale together, though it wasn't that great when my demon of a teacher threw his ruler at me. Can you believe it? It was metal he could have harmed me badly!"

This news caused Usagi to laugh, I loved how he laughed.

"Misaki, didn't I already tell you to stop seeing that Sempai of yours?"

"Baka Usagi! How many times do I have to tell you that Sumi-Sempai is a good guy and just a friend!"

I was happy that Usagi was acting like himself even in his condition, it always made me slightly believe Usagi was going to be okay.

I know I shouldn't get my hopes up...

It'll only end up with me becoming more upset when the time comes..

When Usagi has to leave me..

When he does I'll join him

I had made it so that I never showed my sadness in front of Usagi ever again, I made sure I always smiled and laughed with him. I couldn't let my own sadness cloud over Usagi's happiness, if I did I would begin to hate myself. I didn't want Usagi to sense this so I stored away those feelings when around him. It was simple because I was used to doing that kind of thing, I've always been doing it ever since I made my parents die, so it was easy to do it with Usagi.

"Misaki, you're so special to me I love you"

My face went red at Usagi's words, I looked away embarrassed.

"What are you saying Baka Usagi?!"

I heard Usagi chuckle slightly, he lifted his hand up weakly and took my hand in his. His fingers felt so thin and bony, as if there was no skin at all. However the warmth in them was still the same as always and made me feel better.

"But it's true Misaki, I love you so much..."

"Usagi you're acting weird? What's wrong?"

Unease was flickering inside of me, Usagi was suddenly acting unusual and I didn't know what to do.

"Nothing... I'm just tired.. Do you mind if I rest?"

Maybe Usagi's acting strange because he is just overly tired

I nodded my head and smiled, happy that Usagi was just tired.

"Of course Usagi, please rest well"

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