Chapter 4 : Avoid the harsh truth

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Hehe chapter 4 is here! I'm sorry for being a jerk last chapter and **** out the amount of time Usagi had left... I don't own Junjou Romantica! And I doubt that I ever will! Well anyway let the story begin~

Misaki POV

I heard Usagi inhale then exhale, as if preparing himself to speak.

That's not a good sign..

"Misaki... I...have two months left... To live.."

Two months...two short months until Usagi has to leave me...

"Oh.. I see, well I guess we better make all the memories we can"

I had to force myself to smile, If I didn't, I knew that I would break down into tears for sure.


Usagi's voice was low, I turned away from him and picked up our things.

"Usagi let's go home, you're better from you fatigue right?"

I could feel that I couldn't keep up my front long if I looked at Usagi right now.

Usagi.. I promise I'll do my best to make these two months the best months you've ever had.. It's the least I could do for you

You've done so much for me already..

The least I can do is repay you the best I can

"Yes I am.. Misaki.. I-"

"Okay then what are we waiting for let's go"

I cut Usagi off and forced myself to laugh, I wanted to be home with Usagi. I needed time for everything to sink in.

Two months.. What will I do after that?..

Maybe I could follow Usagi and be with him..

Me and Usagi took a cab home, we didn't have our red foreign sports car with us and I wouldn't allow Usagi to walk home. Not after coming out of the hospital. For once, I didn't mind Usagi spending his money for a luxury.

When we arrived home Usagi paid the cab driver then we entered our apartment. I turned towards him with a smile.

"Usagi you're hungry right? What do you want to eat?"

Usagi paused and thought for a bit.

"I want octopi sausages, and scrambled eggs"

I frowned and sighed.

"Usagi you always want that!"

I laughed, I couldn't help feeling that the time I could laugh with Usagi was getting shorter and shorter.

I don't want times like this to end

Usagi smiled and shrugged.

"I can't help it Misaki, you make the most amazing eggs and sausages"

I hopped over to the kitchen and grabbed eggs and sausages from the fridge.

I'm going to cook Usagi the best meals he's ever tasted!

I grabbed an apron, I decided to finally wear the heart one Usagi bought me a while back.

This apron is so embarrassing

I blushed as I cracked the eggs into a frying pan and set them onto the stove top, I the poured cooking oil into another frying pan and tossed in the sausages that I had cut into octopi. While I waited for the food to cook,I grabbed some plates and forks from the cupboards then placed them on the dining table. Usagi happily sat down at the table. He then went to light a cigarette, I froze.

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