Chapter 7

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*You hear the Door Bell ring and Alex Ran to the bottom of your bed and hid  he made a noise and you went down stairs and opened the Door it was your brother storming threw the door*

Y/N: what the hell was that for??

J: Wow your really going to treat your brother like that when you haven't seen him in 2 moths WOW JUST WOW

Y/N: well its not my fault that its  really rare that someone just barges into my house

J: Well can i stay the night??

Y/N: sure

J: Thanks 

Y/N: You know what you can just live here but i have to introduce you to someone

J: who is it and are they here

*You just ignore him and take him to your room and Alex was right their on your bed*

J: Alex?



*You where hella confused*

J: Me and Alex were Friends on Instagram and we meet on tour remember when i left for that month long trip

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