Chapter 13

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Percy's POV

Its Friday now. Nico hasn't been to school. He hasn't answered my texts or calls and he won't let anyone in his room. I called Bianca but its the same thing every time. But today when I called was different.

"Percy I think Nico's gone." She said, worriedly.

"What do you mean gone?! Wasn't he locked in his room?"

"The door was unlocked and when I went in there it was a wreck and his window was open and oh god Percy please I'm scared..."

"Calm down. I'll find him. Call the others. Tell them to search. I'm taking the east corner of town where I saw the motorcycle go on Saturday. Everyone splits up ok?"

"Y-Yeah. Please find my brother Percy. He's my life."

"I will."

I hang up and drive down the street where I remember the bike going. I take one glance into the woods and somehow I see Nico sprinting in them. I quickly pull the car over and jump out and into the woods, after him.


"I CANT DO THIS ANYMORE PERCY!" He screams and runs out and and towards a house.

Nico's POV

I quickly take out the key Jake gave me and unlock the door. I quickly close it and run downstairs where he's waiting, sitting in a chair. My breathing deepens.

"Ah. I knew you'd come back." He says.

"I'm not here for your pleasure." I snap.

"What are you-"

I pull the gun out if my pocket and load it. He slowly stands and walks toward me.

"Now Nico-"

"SHUT UP!" I scream. "I've been put through hell. Hearing you constantly in my head. Never shuts up. I can't focus at school. I can't do anything! And its all because you wanted to toy with me... You like games. Let's play a game. Its called shoot the jackass."

I put my finger in the trigger. I hear the door slam open but I don't flinch.

"Nico! What are you doing?!" Percy yells. "Who the hell is this?"

"Jake." I snarl.

"Nico I know your mad and I hate him too but put the gun down..."


I look Jake straight in the eye and point the gun at his head.

"N-Nico you don't want to do this..." He stutters.

"Go to hell." I pull the trigger.




Percy stands behind me, cowering in shock and fear.

"Nico..." He says quietly. "What did you do...."

"He's gone." I laugh crazily. "Its all gone! I'm not his! I can't hear him! HA!" I laugh manically before Percy turns me to face him.

"Nico. Do you realize what the hell you just did?!"

"ITS ALL OVER!" I shout. "IM FREE!"

Percy slapped me but I barely felt it. Darkness clouded my vision yet I still heard my manically laughing as I fell to the floor.

Percy's POV (I knooow. This is the last switch)

I catch Nico as he falls and pick him up. I look at the man, bullet in his head, blood surrounding him, dead in the floor. I run away and back outside with Nico in my arms. I carry him all the way back to my car and lay him in the backseat. It wouldn't be a good idea to take him home all psychotic like this but I had no other choice. I bring him home and Bianca rushes over to us.

"Nico! Oh god thank you Percy! Oh thank god he's ok..." She inspects him for any wounds. She gasps when she sees some blood on his face. "Percy what happened? Why is there blood on his face? Percy!"

I snap back into consciousness. "I... Let me explain inside."

By the time I'm done she has a horrified expression on her face and is crying.

"No... Nico's too good for that. How could he...." She sobs.

"I didn't believe he did it either. My Nico... Shot the guy...he's gonna go to an asylum or prison or juvie or wherever. He's gone insane. I need to bring him back to earth. Slap some realization into him. I need him back. We all do.








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