Settling In

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This chapter is dedicated to aTaeAndABitOfJin for being the 200th comment on this book, and also marvel_fan_3000 and DaOneFanGirl for being awesome and engaged readers. Thank you to everyone who has made it this far!

"Well, I guess we owe you a real tour now." Steve announces, ignoring Tony's lingering attitude. He gestures toward the staircase going up, next to the one leading down to the workshop I sat in earlier. "After you."

"Stark, my father would have sent the executioner to punish me for such insolence. Come give this poor girl the foundations for her new home." Thor says with disdain from behind us.

The sound of a scoff echoes, followed by one of glassware leaving a granite counter. "Yeah, Thor. I bet he'd spank you real hard then get off on listening to you cry for your mummy." Tony grumbles under his breath as he passes us and walks briskly up the stairs.

"Stark." Came low toned warning from Steve as he glares after Tony.

"What? I'm doing the goddamn tour, aren't I?"

Steve huffs and turns his attention back to Thor and I, who are both shocked by Tony's obnoxious words. "Let's go, I guess."  He says as we follow the billionaire up the stairs.

The stairs were modern but dim, with small lights built into the cracks of the stairs themselves to light the way. Once we reach the top, the new floor the comes into view is an immaculate white. I quickly realize we are in a hall with windows onlooking a lab on the left. The lab is full of contraptions and extravagant machines where each one appears to be more expensive than the last.

"Well, you already know this." Tony says, gesturing to the lounge around him on the right side of the hall. "The lounge is here in the middle, elevator's on the wall behind us, television is up top, and the piano's to the left."

His gaze shifts forward, along with my attention. "There, between the stairs, is my favourite place in the whole building - the bar. While I'd be the first to offer you a drink, a certain group of individuals, known as the government of the United States, is opposed to that notion. Just don't touch it, alright?"

"Alright." I say, not really needing to be reminded of the legal drinking age.

"Above the bar," he continues, looking up to the balcony that shadowed the bar, "is my paperwork desk. I hate it but I need it, so don't touch the desk unless you need somewhere to do your homework. There are textbooks and other books on the shelf behind it, I ordered a few that you might like." He says without facing me.

"I can't thank you enough, Mr. Stark - I mean Tony. Thank you so much."

"Kid, it's fine." He shrugs off, his back still towards me. "To the left of the desk is what I call my indoor skywalk. There's a high definition telescope up there and it's perfect for star gazing, just ignore the light pollution of the city and look elsewhere. Look to the right of the desk and you'll see the opening to a hallway, that's where the suit room, outdoor skywalk, and launchpad is."

A voice echoes from behind me. "Lady Charlotte, you should stargaze with me later. The constellation most vivid tonight is the one that Earth calls Orion. I'll explain the stories of Asgard to you after dusk." Thor chimes, his deep voice causing a rumble in my chest.

"Thank you, Thor. Asgard, you said? What's Asgard?" I ask him cautiously, not wanting to offend him.

"Oh, my Lady, you have so much to-"

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