Maisy Moore

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Author's note: 1. Author's notes are in bold 2. There is a Pov switch so pay attention

Peter's Pov

After Maisy left training, I quickly put my mask back on and swang off to Stark/ Avenger's tower. The Avengers only lived on the top 5 floors though, and I've never seen them before. Though we did spend some time on those floors in Tony's personal lab, no one goes in there.

"What's up, Underoos," Mr. Stark greeted as I swang in through the window he left open for me. He was working on one of his many Ironman suits.

"Nothing," I said and walked over to help him.

"Alright kid, spill," he said giving me a look.

I wasn't exactly sure how to explain the Maisy situation to Mr. Stark. For one, I knew next to nothing about Maisy's past. That fact that she told me about the reason behind her name shocked me.  So, I just started with what I knew. "So, there's a girl," I began.

"Ooh," Mr. Stark said giving me a smirk.

"No not like that," I assure him. "She's really smart, a freshman like me. She takes all AP classes. She just started a couple of months ago. I don't much about her even though we're friends. She doesn't talk about her past. Anyways I really think she'd make an amazing SI intern."

"Is her name perchance, Maisy Moore?" he asked looking not at all surprised.

"Yeah, how did you know," I asked shocked.

"She's all you seem to talk about these days. Also, I've had my eye on her for a couple of reasons," he said.

"What reasons?" I asked not liking the way he said that.

"You might want to sit down for this." 

We moved over and sat in some rolly chairs.

"Okay," I said, "Your turn to spill. What do you want with Maisy?" I felt protective of her. I'd known her a month, but since that night in the alley things changed, and now I felt like she was my responsibility.

"Relax, kid. I don't want to hurt your friend. I want her as my intern. You said it yourself, she's incredibly smart. But there are strange things about your friend's background."

"What?" I asked intrigued. I knew snooping around in Maisy's past via Mr. Stark wasn't right, but she wouldn't say anything, and I was dying to know.

"For starters, she's abnormally smart considering she hasn't been to a proper school since she was 7," he said.

"What!" I exclaimed, "And wait how and why do you know this?"

"I run background checks on all your friends," he said nonchalantly.

"Okay, we have to talk about that later. What did you find?"

"That's the thing," he said, "Nothing. Not even SHIELD, the most competent government agency in the country possibly the world, had anything on her. She just disappeared when she was 7 from her small town in Nebraska. When she was 12, her parents died under really mysterious circumstances, and now 14 she shows up in New York. I'm sure if she's good to enough to evade SHEILD, she filled child services with some random story. Either way, I should speak to her. She could do a lot of good or a lot of bad with those brains of hers."

This cleared up some stuff like where she grew up, but opened even more questions. Even though it was an invasion of her privacy, I couldn't stop myself from telling Mr. Stark about Maisy's "skills". "There's something else, Mr. Stark," I said looking down at my hands.

"What," he questioned.

"Maisy can do things, things not humanly possible."

"An alien, or is she enhanced?"

"Neither. She has magic, and I think that might be a part of why she went missing," I admitted.

"How so?"

"I've been training her to be a superhero," I began.

"You what?" Mr. Stark cried.

"Yeah, anyways, whenever I would bring out the human dummies, she would freak out. Her powers terrify her, Mr. Stark."

"Okay," he said, "I think that's enough gossiping about your friend. Why don't we watch a movie, because I don't feel like doing work."

"Really," I asked my eyes widening in anticipation.

"Yes, now why don't we watch that Star Wars your always talking about." 

So, I spent the next hours curled up on the couch next to Mr. Stark watching The Phantom Menace. It felt nice like I had a dad again. I wouldn't admit it, but I saw Mr. Stark as a kind of father figure.

Time skip to the next afternoon__________________________________________________

Still Peter's Pov

The last bell rung. Maisy and I didn't have training today. 

"Hey, Maisy," I called while she was walking out of English, "Do you have somewhere to be this afternoon?"

"No, why?"

"Come with me. I have someone I want you to meet," I said referring to Mr. Stark.

"Okay," she said excitedly. She grabbed her backpack out of her locker and popped an earbud in.

Together we walked outside, and I led her over to where Happy was waiting to take me to SI.

"Is this the girl Stark wants to see?" Happy asked gruffly.

"Yeah," I said slipping into the car and gesturing for Maisy to do the same.

"I'm Happy, kid. Nice to meet you," Happy said to Maisy.

"Maisy, Maisy Moore," she replied politely.

"So kid what happened at school? I know you're dying to tell me," Happy said. 

I proceeded to talk the rest of the way, without Maisy or Happy saying a word the whole time.

When we reached SI, Maisy was surprised, but not as much as I'd expected. She just a small, oh and followed me through the back entrance that I use, when I don't come through a window. We rode the elevator in silence.


Tony's POV

I heard the elavator doors open, and I knew it was Peter without looking up.

"Hey, Underoos," I called. I turned around and a girl was standing next to him. Maisy Moore. She didn't seem all too surprised Peter knew me, but still fangirled just not in the way I expected.

"You're... You're," she began.

"Ironman," I said with a roll of my eyes.

"You're Tony Stark," she exclaimed, "I love your work. You're a genius." Her smile was huge, and her eyes, large, brown doe eyes like Peter's, lit up.

I was going to like this kid. I just knew it.

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