part 1

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“Today is going to be a good day,” Jason told himself as he was getting up from bed. Jason is an average 16 year old boy. He has light brown hair that goes a little past his ears, is 5’6 and is a bit on the overweight side. He does well in school and doesn’t get into any trouble. 

Jason hopped out of bed and went to the bathroom to take a shower. He needed to get ready so that he can go to the mall with his little sister Katie and her friends. This was going to be the first time that he went to the mall with Katie and her friends. He never really hung out with his sister but since it is a three day weekend and their parents won’t be back until Monday, Jason decided that he will hang out with her for once.

While Jason was in the shower he picked up his sister’s pink razor and started to shave his legs. As he was finishing up shaving both of his legs, Jason froze feeling confused. “Why am I shaving my legs?” he thought to himself. He didn’t understand it. He had never done this before but for some reason he really wanted smooth legs. After pondering this dilemma Jason decided to finish shaving his legs and then went ahead and shaved his armpits smooth. 

After he had gotten out of the shower and gotten dressed he went downstairs to find his 12 year old sister Katie. She was wearing a pair of blue skinny  jeans with a coral t-shirt that had a glittery peace sign on it and she had a white headband in her shoulder length brown hair. Around her neck she had a necklace made from a black string with a small mesmerizing ruby red tear drop stone. “Are you ready yet?” she told him. “You took forever to get ready. We need to go pick up Britney and Amy.” “Sorry, I took a little longer today because I needed to shave my legs,” Jason told her. Panic entered Jason’s body as he realized that he just told his sister about shaving his legs. Luckily for Jason, Katie didn’t seem to care as she quickly ushered him to his car.

The two siblings had picked up both of Katie’s friends and arrived at the mall. Britney and Amy were both 12 and were just as girly as my sister. Britney was shorter than the three girls with Amy being the same height as Katie. Britney had long black hair that she tied to a high ponytail on top of her head and Amy’s hair was blond and went to her shoulders. Amy was wearing black leggings that had little pink and white hearts over it and she had a black long sleeve shirt that a design of a butterfly made out of rhinestones. Britney had a blue floral tank top with blue shorts.

As they stepped out of the car and began walking into the mall the girls began giggling as they looked at Jason. Katie whispered something to the two girls and the giggling grew louder causing Jason to feel uncomfortable. Suddenly Britney spoke up, “Hey Jason are you okay? You look a little nervous.”

“Hey, I have an idea. How about we take Jason in here so that he can relax a little before start shopping.” Amy said as she pointed into a nail salon. 

“That’s a great idea. I always feel so relaxed whenever I get my nails done,” said Katie.

Jason just stood there frozen by the conversation the girls were having. He wanted to say something but for some reason couldn’t. “Maybe it won’t be too bad,” Jason thought to himself as the girls pulled him into the salon. “It’s not like I have to get my nails painted,” he told himself.

The girls sat Jason down on one of the chairs by the window and then went up to the counter. As they were telling the woman at the counter what they wanted, the woman kept looking back and forth between Jason and the girls. Finally the woman said something to the other workers and my sister and her friends went to a the rack on the wall full of nail polishes. As they were looking at the polishes, Katie and her friends started giggling and Katie went back to the receptionist with a bottle of nail polish. The woman laughed from whatever Katie had told her and she looked at Jason again. 

After the girls finished picking there colors, Jason and the girls were escorted to the pedicure chairs to start the procedure. As Jason sat down, his nail technician took off his shoes and socks and rolled up his pant legs which brought a giggle from the woman due to his shaved legs. Jason just closed his eyes as he tried to get over his embarrassment. Jason was just glad that the salon was slow due to being early in the morning.

As the procedure went on Jason started to enjoy himself. The pedicure actually felt good and he was kind of glad that girls made him do this. The nail technician grabbed a pair of yellow toe separators and then placed them between Jason’s toes. Jason started to feel nervous again but told himself that she probably just wants to put clear nail polish. Jason calmed down as the nail technician coated his toenails with a clear polish. After she was done she grabbed a bottle of bright pink nail polish. As she took out the brush out of the bottle and brought it to his big toe, Jason told her to stop.

Jason hesitated to say something as the technician looked up to see what he wanted. Jason wanted to tell her that he didn’t want his toenails painted. He really wanted to but he found that he couldn’t. Just trying to tell her was starting to give him a headache. “Jason,” Katie said to grab his attention. He turned to look at her but his eyes immediately went to the jewel on her necklace that had appeared to start glowing a faint red.

Suddenly Jason turned back to his nail technician and said, “Can you also paint a flower on my big toes?” The salon filled with giggles from what he had said and his technician responded through the giggles with a yes as she went ahead and started painting his toenails with the pink color.

Jason could not believe what was going on. Here he was getting his toenails painted and instead of telling the woman to stop, he tells her to make his toenails even girlier. 

He could not believe his eyes when he looked at his toes after the technician had finished. They were a barbie bright pink and he had a little white flower that had glitter on the edges of petals on the corner of both of his big toes. When she asked him if he liked them, Jason was unable to stop himself from responding with, “Yes, they are lovely.”

He was given yellow disposable flip flops and then led to a manicuring table where the woman started working on his hands. As the manicure started, Jason was panicking about why he couldn’t stop this and about what she was going to do to his fingernails. As the procedure went on however, Jason began to worry about why he was starting to like the color on his toenails. “It’s not that bad. At least it looks pretty. I mean I don’t hate it,” Jason thought to himself. “At least it’s on my feet where no one can see it.”

His fears reignited as the nail technician began to place acrylic nails on to each of his fingertips. He again wanted to say something but he couldn’t bring up the strength to say anything. Soon each of his nails sported 1 inch long acrylic nails. Jason watched as she took the same pink nail polish she had used on his toes and started to coat his new acrylic nails with it. After each nail was bright pink and girly she grabbed even more polishes and glitter and began adding pale pink flowers to each nail with glitter all around each flower.

Jason had been so distracted by the procedure that he didn’t realize that Katie and her friends had already finished there mani pedis and were now watching and filming him get his nails done. “Jason, what do you say to her for making your nails all pretty?” Katie said, her necklace glowing once again, her necklace glowing once again. 

“Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for my fabulous nails. I like, love them so much,” Jason said flamboyantly. 

As Jason and the girls were leaving the salon Jason turned to look at Katie as her necklace began to glow a cool blue. As the girls were teasing him over his girly nails, Jason’s blood drained from his face as he saw a familiar blond teenage girl walk up to him.

It was Stephanie, the girl who sat in front of him in his algebra class. The girl that Jason had a crush on since he first seen her. She looked at Jason’s nails and started laughing. “Hey, aren’t you in my math class? You’re name is Jason right?” Jason didn’t know what to say and started to stammer. “I like your nails. They’re really pretty,” She said as she grabbed his hand to get a closer look at his nails.

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