part 3

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As Jason and the girls entered Sephora, Jason’s heartbeat increased when he noticed that the Sephora was packed full of women. While his sister and her friends were giggling about what they were going to do to Jason, Jason was trying to think about how all of this happened. He needed to know why he couldn’t stop his sister from feminizing him, but every time he did his head would hurt. He could only vaguely remember the previous night. She had done something to him but he just didn’t know what.

Jason snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a woman speak. “Hello, welcome to Sephora.  My name is Lisa. Is there something I can help you with today?” Jason looked to see a Sephora employee with reddish brown hair talking with his sister.

“Yes, you see my brother here has just came out as a sissy, so we’re here at the mall so that he can let his inner sissy out with a makeover,” said Katie.

“Oh how sweet,” cooed Lisa. “I’d be more than happy to give him a makeover. Is there a certain look that he wants?”

“He wants his makeup to be super girly and feminine,” said Katie.

“But he doesn’t want to look like a girl. He would prefer if his makeup screams sissy boy,” said Britney.

“Ok, I think I have an idea on how to do his makeover,” giggled Lisa. She took him by the arm and sat him in front of a mirror. She took some foundations and put little samples on his skin until she found one that she liked. She then removed the previous samples from his skin and started applying the new foundation all over his face. “You already have such beautiful skin, but you can still use a little bit of foundation to cover up some imperfections,” she said.

As she was finishing up the foundation, some of the women in the store started noticing Jason and would giggle as they noticed his breast and nails. She then applied concealer under his eyes and some powder over his face. “Oops. I forgot to ask you for your name. What’s your name sweetie?” said Lisa. 

“Jason,” he said with relief that he was able to at least give her his name.

“No. I mean your girl name. You don’t expect me to call you Jason, while you’re sitting here getting your makeup done,” she replied.

“Oh don’t mind him. He’s just shy,” said Katie. “His girl name is Jessica. Isn’t that right Jessica?” 

“You have such a pretty name Jessica. You don’t need to be shy here. Here, you are just one of the girls,” Lisa replied as she grabbed a blue eyeliner. 

She put a hand on his head to hold it still and took the very small brush to his eyes. She lined the top and the bottom of both of his eyelids until there was a thin blue line around his eyes. Next she grabbed a small brush and placed it into a light blue eyeshadow. She brushed the shadow around his eyes where she had put the eyeliner and when she was satisfied, she grabbed more of the eyeshadow with the brush and brushed it into the crease of his eyes. Lisa then grabbed another brush and filled it with a bright pink eyeshadow and covered the rest of his eyelids with the color and then blended it into the blue color.

After Lisa took an eyelash curler to his eyelashes, she began applying mascara to his lashes. “You’re eyes look so beautiful. Just like a princess,” she happily said as she finished making his eyelashes appear longer and fuller.

By this point Jason’s cheeks were red from the embarrassment that he was enduring from his makeover. Despite this, Lisa still wanted to apply blush to his face so she grabbed a large brush and dipped it in a bright pink powder and brushed it across his cheeks and up to his temples. 

“Now for my favorite part, lips,” she said as she grabbed a dark fuchsia lip pencil. She drew a pink outline around his lips, slightly extending the line outside of the natural border of his lips. She then grabbed a bright fuchsia lipstick and filled in the rest of his lips. When she was finished, Jason had fuller pouty lips in a bright fuchsia.

“None of the boys are going to be able to resist those beautiful lips,” she teased.

As Lisa stepped back Jason got a good view of himself in the mirror. The pink and blue eyeshadow blended together to make a purple color with a little bit of the pink showing in the middle of his upper eyelids and his eyelashes looked much longer and fuller. His cheeks were a bright pink and made him look like he was constantly blushing and as he looked; he noticed a small amount of glitter in the blush. His lips were colored into a cute little fuchsia pout with a slight gloss. The makeup style was horrible. It was bad enough that he had gotten the makeover, but it was made worse by the fact that his face was made up in a way that no girl would ever want to be caught dead wearing. He looked like a giant sissy with his made up face, breast and nails.

“So, what do you think?” Lisa asked.

Jason was afraid to answer. He knew he wanted to tell her that he hated the makeup, but he was afraid that he might say something girly. “Come on Jessica, tell the nice lady what you think about your makeover,” said Katie. He looked at her and saw her necklace begin to glow red. 

Suddenly Jason opened his mouth and began to talk. “Ohmysgosh, ohmygosh,” he said while flapping his hands in front of him in an overly girly manner. “I just love my makeup. It is like so beautiful. Thank you, like so much.”

The room started to erupt with laughter but Jason completely ignored it. He figured it out. It was his sister’s necklace. Whenever it starts glowing he would feel compelled to do these girly things. It was the reason why his nails no longer bothered him. It was why he was starting to feel less conscious about wearing a bra. The necklace has some kind of magic that is forcing him to become a sissy. She must have used it on him the night before and now he knew that he needed to take the necklace from her. What Jason doesn’t know is if he will even be able to take the necklace from her.

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