part 4

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After Jason’s makeover at the Sephora, Katie and her friends led Jason followed by a small growing gathering of onlookers into a teen girls clothing store called Forever Teen. When Jason entered the store, the sounds of giggles and shrieks from teenage girls filled the store as girls ran up to see the feminized boy. The store had pale pink walls and cream colored floors with dangly crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. There were advertisements featuring teen girls wearing very feminine skirts and dresses scattered about the store with the clothes racks holding the clothes that the models were wearing. The store had the scent of a flowery perfume and filled Jason’s nose. The store was perfect for a girly girl like Katie but was the source for Jason’s future torture. 

Jason tried to ignore his girly surroundings. He didn’t care that his little sister was going to force him into one of the girly dresses at the store. He only cared about her necklace. He kept his entire focus on it, watching it and waiting for it to turn blue. He didn’t know if it turned blue by itself or if his sister controlled that. What he did know was that once it did turn blue he would regain control of himself and that will be his chance to take the necklace from Katie. 

“Jessica,” Katie snapped at Jason as her necklace glowed red, “stop standing there and tell the nice lady here what you came here for.” 

As if on cue Jason turned to the sales attendant that had approached them while he was staring at his sister’s necklace and began to talk in his flamboyant voice, “Hi my name is Jessica and like I would really like it if you could like help me find a dress that is just perfect for me. I love pink and sparkles and lace and frills.”

“I would love to help you find a dress, Jessica. In fact I’m sure the girls here would love to help you find a dress. Right girls?” said the sales attendant followed by the sounds of girls in the store agreeing. 

Jason was then dragged around the store as girl after girl held up dress after dress against his body. To make matters worse for Jason, the girls used each chance they could to tease him about his feminization. They teased him on his makeup and nails, pulled his bra strap, and squeezed next to him for selfies. 

The store filled with even more giggles and laughter as they settled on a dress for Jason to wear. Katie took the dress and grabbed Jason’s hand and dragged him into a dressing room. Once inside Jason saw the dress that his tormentors had chosen for him. 

The dress was incredibly girly and Jason knew that no real girl would ever want to wear a dress like it. It was made of hot pink chiffon which gave the dress a shiny look. The dress had spaghetti straps that were decorated with small white and pale pink sparkling beads that were arranged into flowers all along the straps. The bust had larger sparkling beads in the same color as the smaller ones and made larger flower patterns across the bust. Right below where a girl’s breast would be was a thick piece of chiffon that wrapped around the body like a belt. On top of that pink belt was a very large pink bow. Under the belt the dress’s skirt flared out and when combined with the belt, it would make the wearer look as if they had a thin stomach and long legs. The skirt had layers of ruffles that ended where the wearer’s knees would be followed by more chiffon flowing straight out to finish the ball gown look. The last layer of ruffles had more of the same beads as the bodice and was arranged into the same floral shape.

Jason stripped to his lingerie in front of his sister and stepped into the dress as Katie helped him into it. She zipped his dress and turned him around so that he could look at himself in the mirror. Jason despised the feminized boy in the mirror. The dress combined with his bra created the illusion that he had a developing girl’s body but his overdone makeup and his boy’s haircut made him look more like a sissy. 

“This is the best day of my life.” Katie laughed. “I can’t believe that I got to dress up my stupid jerk brother like a girly sissy” she said as she turned Jason around to look at her. “Now then, I want you to tell me how you feel right now. I want to hear and see just how humiliated you are right now.” 

Katie let her necklace glow blue so that Jason would regain control of himself again. She wanted to watch him naturally shake with fear and humiliation without the aid of her necklace. Jason saw the necklace glowing and knew he only had one chance. 

Jason jumped onto Katie and put his hands on her necklace in an attempt to rip it off her neck. Katie not expecting the sudden attack fell back with Jason falling on top of her. The two siblings struggled on the floor until Katie headbutted Jason with all the force that she could muster. Jason’s vision faded for a second from the impact of the headbut and he loosened his grip on the necklace. Katie used the opportunity to shake off Jason and she managed to get up with her necklace still around her neck and Jason on the floor. Jason’s body filled with an immense dread as he saw the anger bursting from his sister.

“YOU MESSED UP BIG TIME!!!” she yelled at him. “I was going to let you go back to being a regular boy after I got bored with you but not anymore.”

Her necklace violently glowed red and swayed back and forth from across her chest. 

“You are going to be a girly sissy named Jessica for the rest of your life. You are going to forget that you were ever Jason or that you were ever a normal boy. Every day from now on you are going to make yourself as girly as possible. You’re going to wear full make and long acrylic nails every day. You’re going to wax all your body hair every time it grows back and you are going to pluck your eyebrows into thin feminine arches.  You are only going to wear skirts, dresses and heels and all the accessories that go with them and that includes pierced ears. You are also going to wear lingerie all the time and when you go to bed you will wear frilly nighties. You will grow out your hair and once it gets long enough you will get styled in a salon. You will act like the biggest girly girl possible and do everything that you can to look as girly as possible. All of your hobbies will involve fashion, makeup, hair, gossip and talking about and checking out boys. You’re even going to date boys from now on too.

But don’t worry cause whenever you are looking at yourself in the mirror after finishing your makeup or to admire an outfit or lingerie you will remember that you used to be Jason. Whenever you are making out with a guy or when a guy is having his way with you, you will remember that you used to be regular guy. You will briefly remember the life that you used to have and you will be disgusted with what you are doing. Once you feel that disgust you will go back to being Jessica.” 

The dressing room flashed a bright red as the feminized boy lay on the floor. The boy stood up and looked at himself in the mirror. He immediately jumped with joy in the mirror and admired himself and then quickly stopped as Jason realized what his sister had done to him. Jessica took over the boy’s body once again and pushed the real Jason into the back of his own mind as a prisoner. 

Jessica exited the dressing room and happily modeled his new dress to the girls in the store as the girls laughed and mocked him. After getting a matching pair of high heels bought the dress and shoes and wore them out of the store.

As Jessica left the store with his sister and her friends they saw Stephanie and her boyfriend walking towards them. Stephanie was just as amused as all of the other mall patrons had been that day but that didn’t stop Stephanie from genuinely wanting to be Jessica’s friend. She thought it was cool that Jason now Jessica was coming out of the closet as his real self. Stephanie’s boyfriend however couldn’t help but laugh at Jessica. Stephanie sent her boyfriend away and complimented Jessica on her look even if it was over the top.

“Do you really want to be my bff?” gushed Jessica.

“Of course sweetie,” said Stephanie, “in fact we could get together later for a slumber party at my house. It will be loads of fun. I can even tell you about a guy that might be into sissies like you.”

“Really! OHMYGOSH. That would be like so awesome. You’ve got to tell me like everything about him.”

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