part 2

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And who are these lovely girls that you are with,” Stephanie asked Jason as she let go of his manicured hand to look at Katie and her friends.

“Hi my name is Katie and I’m Jason’s sister,” replied Katie. “And these are my friends Britney and Amy.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Stephanie said. “You know, since you are already here at the mall, you girls should help Jason here find a cute outfit to wear. No offense Jason but those clothes you’re wearing aren’t doing you any favors,” she said as she pointed to Jason.

“Oh don’t worry. By the time were done with Jason he is going to look just fabulous,” said Amy.

“Well, I would love to help you girls with that but I need to go. My date is probably waiting for me at the food court,” said Stephanie. “Here, hold still. Let me take a selfie with you.” She squeezed herself next to Jason and had him hold up his hand up to his face with his fingers spread open and his nails facing the camera. She then Jason’s heart continued to sink as the phone took their picture. Not only was the girl that he had a crush going on a date with some other guy but there was also no doubt in Jason’s mind that she thought he was some sissy.

After Stephanie had left to find her date, Katie and her friends dragged Jason into a Victoria’s Secret. As they entered the store a cute blond sales associate walked up them. “Welcome to Victoria’s Secret, my name is Mandy. Is there something I can help you find today,” she said.

“Yes, you see we need to find a bra and panty set for my brother here,” replied Katie as she moved to reveal Jason who had been trying to hide behind the girls.

Mandy laughed as she heard this and saw Jason’s nails but quickly stopped and regained her composure. “Sure no problem,” she said. “What size bra does he wear? If you don’t know I can measure him for one.”

Jason felt the strength to speak up as Katie’s necklace glowed a faint blue. “No thank you,” Jason stammered as he was physically shaking with anxiety. “I don’t…. I don’t want to wear a bra.” Jason wasn’t sure why he was able to speak now but he was glad he was finally able to speak his mind.

“It’s okay Jason,” said Katie with a sympathetic tone. “We know you really want to wear a bra and be a sissy but are too shy and embarrassed to express yourself. Just remember sweetie, were here with you because we support you.”

Jason could not believe what he was hearing. Jason knew that he had to put an end this now. As he was about to speak Katie’s necklace glowed a bright red. “Thank you sooo much for being so supportive of me being a sissy,” Jason said. “I really do want a bra and panties. So can you please measure me?”

“That’s not what I meant to say,” Jason thought to himself. “What’s going on? Why did I say that?”

Jason stood there passively as Mandy measured him for his bra and helped the girls pick a bra and panty set for him to wear. The four girls laughed amongst themselves as they settled on a pair and Katie took him to a dressing room.

“Okay strip,” she said to Jason. There was no way that Jason wanted to strip in front of his little sister but he felt himself powerless to stop as her necklace glowed a vibrant shade of red. Luckily Katie turned around so that she wouldn’t see his manhood and he unwillingly slipped the panties on. After he was done, his sister helped him put on the bra and then turned Jason to look at the mirror.

Jason was horrified by what he saw. The bra was a pale pink color that had delicate white lace in a floral design on the cups and there was a pink little ribbon between the cups. The panties were just as girly in the same pale pink color with the same lace design on the crotch. The panties had white lace all around the band and the leg holes and they had the same pink ribbon on the front of the panties. His manhood made a small bulge in the front of the panties. The worst part, Jason’s man boobs seemed to be filling the cups. The bra has extra padding in it and it ended up pushing the small amounts of fat on his chest into a pair of breasts. 

Katie pushed Jason out of the dressing room with him still in his lingerie and as he was met with a roar of laughs as he stumbled out. As Jason straightened himself out, he was unable to stop himself from putting one hand on his hip and the other behind his back. More laughs came as other woman showed up to see the commotion.

“Wow what a little fairy,” said one woman.

“How sad. The poor little things package is so small that it fits perfectly in panties,” said another.

“I can’t believe a guy has bigger boobs than me,” laughed Britney.

The girls had Jason walk up to the counter dressed in only the lingerie so that he could pay for them. The girls let him put on his clothes after he had finished paying. Even with his shirt on, it was clear that Jason was wearing a bra.

“Where should we take him next,” asked Amy as they left the store.

“I was thinking that we take him to Sephora for a little makeover,” said Katie.

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