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Summary: Peter and his class goes to the pool the first day back to school from spring break. Peter remembers the time with the lake, and gets pushed in my Flash in the deep end (up to 20 feet for drivers) and starts to drown, but of course Mr. Stark is here to save the day

Type: trigger warning,

Date: after homecoming, before Infinity War.

"Okay class, everyone load onto the bus!" Mr. Harrington said to his class, and everyone started shuffling onto the bus. It was the first day back from spring break and they got to take a field trip to the community pool.

Peter didn't want to go. Last time he was in water it was from when he fell into the lake trapped in that parachute. He nearly died at the experience, and deep waters freaked him out in general.

"C'mon, Penis Parker!" Flash yelled from the back of the school bus out the window. Peter ignored him, like he always does, and walked onto the bus with Ned besides him.

"What's up, Losers," MJ said and sat in the row of seats in front to them. She smiled at them, and Ned laughed at her.

"You still call us losers? We're like your best friends," Ned says. MJ just shrugs and turns back to face outside the window of the bus.

"You excited?" Ned asked Peter and turned towards him. Peter gave him a fake smile and nodded. He didn't want to talk about the lake incident right now. Especially on this crowded bus. Ned gave him a concerned look.

He knew his best friend. He knew that he was lying, but he also knew that face. He didn't what to talk about it, or at least not right now. Ned just nodded and dropped that conversation.

By the time they made it to the pool, Peter started to freak out even more. He didn't want to be here, and the bus was so loud and crowded with everyone trying to get off and squished together, his spider-senses was going off the charts, and he couldn't take it. He started to shake, but not a panic attack. It was just too overbearing for him.

Once he made it off the bus, he let out a breathe of air. He was doing better now that he was in the fresh air.

People started jumping in the water everywhere, and soon MJ and Peter were the only ones not in the pool, but even that didn't last for long.

Peter was sitting at the edge of the pool, talking to Ned while he was in the water when MJ came up next to him.

"You getting in the water, yet?" MJ said and sat next to him with her journal in her hand and a pencil in her other. She set the pencil down, and closed her book.

"No, not yet," he smiled at her. He didn't want anyone asking questions, plus his feet being in the water was good enough. He couldn't even take baths without feeling claustrophobic. Which was weird because he didn't feel claustrophobic in much spaces, but for something yes. With both the lake and the building falling in him, trapping him, he got a little claustrophobic in some conditions, bathes being one of them.

"Your loss," MJ said and sat the book down and scouted it back before sliding herself into the pool with her hands. She landed on her feet, turned to Ned and Peter with a small smile, and swam off. God, she's so cool.

"Hey, Penis Parker!" Flash called out, not even ten minutes later, dragging the word Parker like he always does in that same annoying tone. Peter didn't want to deal with him right now, he had enough problems in the lake and the noises. Peter just ignored him, like he always does. Like he always ever does.

"You getting in the water?" Flash asked him, a wide toothy smile spread across his face that screamed serial killer. Peter just shrugged and went back to talking to Ned, trying his best to space Flash out. Maybe he did talk toFlash would get bored and go away.

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