ch 16

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I'm back!!!!!!!!!! sorry I haven't updated, school started so I am super busy. but, I will now try to update more often.


then I feel it, I can't really say I heard it, but there was a voice, taunting me. your friends are all gone, all gone. all gone, where did they go?

it was a song, it would have been pretty, but, the way it was sung sounded demonic, like it was Hell's melody. I looked to where Rory, Adam, and Brian where standing, he took them, he took three humans, he took my children, I remember the human race, there first breath...

I remember the whispers, I knew it was giet. god. love. telling me to make these mortals. they would make us less lonely... mortals. they

Could be capable of love, anger, sadness, and every feeling that we have. Another being capable of emotion. First I created one, like me. The man began to get lonely in his beautiful garden even though he had many creatures to live with. He needed someone like him. So I created a woman to live with him. They were perfect, in every way. But I made one mistake, I gave them curiosity. Only me and mark had the power of curiosity. I wanted someone like me. but giet told me to put my great knowledge into a fruit. so I did so, I followed giet blindly back then, I know better now. My two perfect children of course ate the fruit. and giet, took the form of a human and after one act of kindness, sent them away from their beautiful perfect garden forever. The humans, so now in perfect, are my children and I shall always protect them.

all gone all gone all gone, gone from this world. time is ticking for then, can you hear it?

I could hear the ticking, the ticking of every moral, humans have good in them, I won't let them be distorted!

"for the world!" I yelled, as I ran out the door.

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