truth or dare... detention.... Facebook..... kasidy......

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>Brooke's POV<

the group two meeting just finished. after the bell we all quickly swapped numbers. a few of us already had most of the groups numbers so it didnt take long... well it would have taken alot less time if the girls stopped basically drooling over and trying to flirt with Ash. of cause he was just as bad because he would flirt back or play along the whole time. i cant believe that he would just flirt with some random girl he probably doesnt even know the name of. the only girls who stayed away were those who had boyfriends like Belinda who had Oscar. like seriously why does he do that? is it for the attention? for the fame? to get his name out there as the most obnoxious player at BSC? anyway so instead of taking like 10 minutes it took another whole hour just to switch numbers. Because of that the whole team has detention this after noon. an hour after school with Ash is DEFINATELY NOT what i would put on my top ten things to do. so now thats where we are. in detention and becasue there is no seating play guess who decided i needed company. yep the self centered jerk himself. Ash. i would take anyone else any day. even the high pitched midget or less comonly known as zac. Even their best friend Casey is better than him and he's my ex.

the hour was the worst hour of my life. Ash kept bringing up the beach and how i must either have a crush on him because im 'falling for him' or be a bitch because 'bitches be trippin'. by the time he left he probably looked like a train wreck because every time he said something like that i would hit him. after the first half hour i was just hitting him if he opened his mouth, even if it wasnt to talk. morgan just sat there laughing his head off with belinda and Oscar who managed to get a detention for some unknown reason but he didnt care he just had fun watching a girl beat up Ash to the point of mercy. that IS going in my book of best experiences at school right below leaving school to feed my unicorns their daily rainbow and pineapple and getting caught by the principal...

"brooke were home you can get out of the car now. ASHLEY KASSIDY XAVIER GO INSIDE NOW!!!"


"yes mum" they all say in unison and walk inside. i get out of the car slowly and make my way to the house. i walk into my room, slam the door and lock it so Kassidy cant get in. little brat. i throw my bag down and decide to go on facebook.

two friends requests- Ash  & Zac

four messages- Ash, Zoe, Belinda & Jess

20+ notifications- Ash, Zac, Belinda, Jess, Zoe + more

i feel popular. but also stalked... how does Ash know my last name... oh right Zoe. how does Zac know? i open the message from Ash

Ashactive now

Ash- hey Brooke nice work today getting us all inline

Brooke- um thanks...

Ash- I mean it. without you we would have done nothing and be lost as hell

Brooke- OK... if you say so.

Ash- look out your window

Brooke- OK...

              - your our new neighbor???

Ash- Yep and our windows are facing ;)

Brooke- Cut with the act Ash.

Ash- there is no act bro

Brooke- sure what ever you say. bye

Ash- bye bro



"Kassidy leave your sister alone. Brooke unlock your door"

"yes mum"

"sister trouble?" I turn around to see Ash sitting on my bed.

"what are you doing here"

"figured you needed a friend"

" no and even if I did I wouldn't be calling you."

"fine fine I'll leave" he said as my door fly's open.

"umm Brooke why is there a guy in your room?" crap dammit mum.

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