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He made a vow,

I was convinced to believe it,

For the sake of our friendship,

And the strange feeling that we've chosen to keep.

Years passed us by,

Knowing I've known him completely,

But when the truth rain on me,

It fills my heart with pains and regrets.

I should have not trusted and loved him that much,

I should have left some love for myself,

I should have not stay that long fooling myself,

We've spent those years full of pretending.

Efforts wasn't appreciated,

Times was just wasted,

The Truth that he can't love me back,

And Me that seems so invisible all these years.

He left me all alone,

He left me with so many questions,

He turned his back to me,

Those moments that we've shared seems already vanished.

I asked myself,

How about those solemn promises he made,

Is it destined to be forgotten?

Or just made to be broken?

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