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I am on my way to a BTS concert and fanmeet with my best friend on my birthday. How? Just how? What did I ever do to be so lucky? I need to know so I can do it again. Maybe I'll get a spaceship or something.

"So, how foes it feel to be 19?" Emily asked me.

I just looked at her for a moment.

"What?" she asked, grinning like an idiot.

"Don't you think a more important question is 'How do you feel after the heart attack I just gave you?'"

She laughed. "Calm down girl! It's not my fault you stan them so much!"

"Says the girl who used to put Jin's windshield wiper laugh compilation videos on a never-ending repeat playlist."

"Oooh, I'm never going to live that one down am I?"

I smirked at her. "As soon as I get live down our swag battle."

"You fight dirty, have I ever told you that before?" she asked, glaring at me playfully.

"Yes you have, now look where you're driving BEFORE WE DIE!!!"

"Alright, alright, you don't have to freak out over it." She said, obediently looking back at the road as she laughed at me.

"Just drive so we don't get killed." I laughed too, rolling my eyes.

"Only if you put in that CD!" She grinned wickedly and pretended to close her eyes.

"Girl, it's done! Get ready to need earplugs, cause we're..."

I was drowned out by the opening chords of "Intro: Serendipity", but neither of us cared. All that mattered was jamming to the absolute BEST band of ALL TIME.

Learning Korean definitely has perks. Like now I can finally be mostly sure I'm not singing gibberish. Not that I'm fluent, but I'm getting there!

I could hardly wait to get to the concert.

But right in the middle of Suga's rap in Mic Drop, I remembered something.

"EMILY!!" I yelled and hit stop on the music.

"Girl, what sacrilege have you just committed?" She glared at me, and boy, if looks could kill!

"I just remembered I need to feed my cat and my fish or they're gonna starve before I get home!" I said, all worry for my fur/fin babies.

"Girl, I thought I told you? RJ's taking care of it. NOW TURN THAT SONG BACK ON!!"

"Oh, ok, sorry." I said sheepishly as I hit play and jumped right back into the rap.

Emily rolled her eyes at me and rapped louder.

I play-glared at her and rapped even louder.

She grinned and tried to rap louder, but that rap was over.

I laughed. She tried to glare at me and failed miserably, and we both jumped right back into our ultimate jam.

Time Skip to Fanmeet

Ok, so the concert was literally the BEST thing that ever happened to me in my ENTIRE life. I mean, how do they do it? How can they do those impossible choreographies and Sing or Rap at the same time?

I. Cried.

I mean, really, how could I not? They were incredible!

And now I'm about to meet them.

"Emily, am I really about to meet BTS?"

"Hmmm." She pretended to think. "I don't know, let me check."

I Lost my Soulmate Kim Taehyung X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now