6. Gilbert 2.0?

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Two weeks later. Alfred's POV


I was at the table with my family, Delaware to my right eating his mushy apples or whatever Samuel said it was. Matthew was to my left, eating some flour mixed with eggs and milk that was flattened then was cooked. Actually, he made some for everyone and they weren't as disgusting like I thought they would be. They were actually really good. 

As I was finishing my food I suddenly got the same feeling when I had morning sickness. A churning in your gut, like your sick but you don't feel dead inside. 

I got up and ran outside into the woods, emptying my stomach behind a bush. The churning continued and while I was throwing up for the third time I felt gentle patting on my back. Before throwing up a fourth time. 

Eventually, I stopped throwing up food and just stinging, burning, stomach acid. 

I felt dizzy and my throat hurt like a fire had been set in the back of it. I looked up into the purple eyes of my mother, who were almost tearing with pity. 

"A-h." I tried to choke out. 

"Don't speak love. Your Far is getting some water for you now." He said, pulling me up. He walked me back to the house, but instead of taking me inside, he left me on the porch. Far walked out carrying a cup of water and a cup of mystery liquid. He handed me the mystery liquid first. I looked at it and with confusion laced in my eyes back at my Isä. 

"Drink it poika. It will tell us if your pregnant or not." 

My stomach dropped and I felt ashamed of myself. 

'I'm a dirty fucking whore. Why is he not mad.' And in one gulp, drank the entire thing- 'It actually was kinda good,' he thought before emptying his stomach of the liquid, his body wheezing to get the last of the liquid out. 

But, unlike the food, it didn't hurt his throat to throw up. It actually made it feel better. The Finn beside him scooped him up in a tight hug as he finished emptying his guts. 

"Onnittelut, poika," The Finn whispered in his ear, causing the American teen to start to cry. Why wasn't he ashamed. WHY. HE WAS JUST A WHORE AND WITH HIS WHORE-I-NESS WAS PROBABLY GONNA GIVE BIRTH TO EVERY STATE AND WHY—

"It's okay poika, I don't think of you any differently. If anything, children give us something to fight for, children are strength. And even if you have to give birth to every state, you'll still be my son." The Finn said, kissing his forehead before continuing, "I'll love you no matter what, and I'll love any child you have no matter the circumstances."

"Why." The sunflower blonde said, looking down. He accidentally said that out loud, didn't he?

"I've seen and heard about how your countries being run. Every state will have its own opinion. Every state would need to be personified for that to happen," the Finn explained softly, as not to startle him, "If anything I think more of you. You're changing the world, my son. You're making it better."

The teen smiled, causing his mother to smile too. 

"Now, who's my little boy?" The tiny country said. 

"Me!" The teen said excitedly. 

"And who not telling the father?" 

"Also me!" 

"Bad child!"

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