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/\Some designs I made when I was bored

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/\Some designs I made when I was bored. I like making dresses more than capes and you can really tell.

3 weeks later.

The boat slowly went to the harbor, humans shouting and Matthias trying not to laugh at the boys tripping over themselves to get the horses prepared to carry the nations stuff to the large mansion fairly far into the hills of Scotland. A plank was put between the ship and the dock and the family group walked onto the wood planks, Tino and Alfred answered questions and waved, being the most sociable of their family.

The group was put into three carriages with their stuff and the horses were driven into the city. Alfred was practically thrown into a carriage with Matthew and Juan, but he took no offense to it. Eventually they made it through the city and into the beautiful forested mountains of Scotland.

After almost an hour they were in plaza of the beautiful stone mansion. England stood at the stairs to the doors, waiting for his guests to arrive. The family group got out of the stuffy carriages and human servants started bringing their stuff into the building.

"Greetings, Mr. Oxenstierna and husband, Mr. Kohler and betrothed," he said, bowing his head to the Scandinavians. Tino looked pretty angry about not getting recognized as someone independent of his husband, and Lukas didn't look to happy either.

"Mr. Jones, you've been well I presume?" Arthur said, looking the young nation straight in the eyes. They glared for a quick second before Arthur let out a 'tisk' and looked away.

"I paid you back, stop getting your panties in a twist." Alfred said, barely holding himself back from pummeling Arthur into dust. Arthur looked pretty livid, but he didn't try to start anything. The group went into the mansion, not bothering to idle on its shear size. They walked in and went to the ballroom, almost immediately getting bombarded with the group called the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth being silly. Most of Holy Rome was here, minus the personification of Holy Rome himself, which was odd. Prussia was here already as well, and immediately ran over to Mathias and they started talking, he seemed to be extremely excited. Portugal and France were making idle conversation near the wine. Spain and Italia Romano were staying away from the other nations, the Spaniard wanting to protect his aggressive omega from the drinking empires.

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