29. Uneventful dinners aren't the only thing on the menu.

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America didn't know what he expected when his mother had suddenly ran outside for no reason, or when he heard a yell that sounded almost like Canada when they were younger, followed by more coughing than he would deem healthy. He would have gone out himself to see what was happening, but all the children were definitely hungry, Jersey and York yapping to their younger siblings about what they hoped the food was. He hoped they would eat the stuffed potatoes he had prepared.

Just as he lifted the final pan, a large cinnamon apple pie, and placed it on the table he yelled as loud as he could, "Food's Ready!" and watched as Raivis and Valtio scurried downstairs, followed shortly after by Delaware and Pennsylvania. Emil sauntered in just after. 

As the family sat down, Berwald taking one side of the table and Matthias taking the other, they waited for Tino. When the Finn finally walked inside, another followed promptly after.

Matthew was back, and holy gods he looked like he needed to get his hair cut.

His normal cropped hair was tied behind him in a medium length ponytail, and he was adorning the British lobster-back uniform. He also had the remainder of red makeup, as well as a tightly braided crown adorning his head.

"Mattie!" Alfred shouted, taking a few moments to process the fact that his brother was here, engulfing the other in a hug,  "I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too--" Matthew tried to respond, feeling his breath contort in an effort to breathe through his brothers grip, "But you're kinda crushing me!"

A few of their siblings chuckled at the two before going to greet the other. It was only a few minutes before the sound of someone clearing their throat. Standing by the door, looking straight down as if to not interrupt the moment, was Prussia. He was wearing his older blue uniform, and the sword strapped to his belt was not doing anything to stop the protective urges that flashed through Alfred's body. Just as he was about to punch Gilbert so hard that he wouldn't remember he existed he was stopped by a hand placed on his shoulder.

"Betrothed." Matthew stated, gripping his twins shoulder a little tighter as clarification.

"One of Arthur's tricks?"

"Maybe, but not for me." Matthew whispered in Finnish, his other siblings perking up to try to hear him, "I heard you got together with Russia."

"It won't stop England." Alfred expressed sadly in the same tongue, his gaze shifting to the ground, "He won't stop until I'm his bitch again."

"And you won't stop 'til ya rule the world." Matthew muttered softly before letting out a small chuckle, "That's what you told me right?"

He was cut off by being wrapped in the same iron embrace as before, but this time it was more comfortable. 

 As America let the other go, he turned around on his heel to look at the albino, well, more like glare.

"Hurt my brother and I'll chop your dick off." Alfred stated in Prussian, his gaze remaining steely and fierce as the other squirmed a bit before nodding, "Also, Pennsylvania's father is Russia, not you. Don't act like one."

Russia didn't say a word to the other, all he did was glare, just enough to keep his aura from scaring everyone else, but enough to make the albino squirm. Matthew was sent upstairs to go get a change of clothes (the two twins agreed to burn the uniform later, and it also seemed to make all the states uncomfortable), as well as Prussia after they figured that he and Dildane were the same clothing size. Quebec, having been asleep the entire time didn't notice that her mother was finally back, so when Matthew came downstairs in a loose brown shawl, a knitted white scarf, and some dark gray work pants she immediately walked over to him and wrapped him in a hug, him wrapping his own arms back around her.

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