Going shopping Part 2 ( with daddy in daddy's point of view)

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*Still i n the car* 

I tap my fingers against the string wheel of the car and hum a soft tune to myself i took a slight glance at my baby and smile at the sight of him sleeping peacefully  'so cute' i think in my head as i make a right and enter the mall parking lot " baby boy baby boy" i call out to him my voice sweet as honey to wake him up and sure enough i heard a small whine leave his cute plum lips as his small fist come up to rub his eye " are we here daddy" my baby ask as i nod "mhm now can you be a good boy and sit up for daddy" with that he sits up and make grabby hands for me i chuckle and smile " hold on baby" i say making him whine and pout but he suck on his pacifier and behave like a good boy he is, i unbuckle the seat belt and grab his diaper bag I put the car in park and turn it off i undid his seat belt and open my door, closing it i rush to get my handsome but cranky baby and pick him up placing him on my hip and walk towards the mall the min my baby see where we are going he jumps up and down bouncing on my hips and clapping "yay!"  i smile  and grab a cart with an adult size seating place and slip him in making sure the seat belt is secure and in place in case he calls  himself being a brat and with that we were off to the mall 'let the day begin' i think in my head   

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