Chapter I: Sandra

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In the Elven nation of Elduin on the northern coast there lies Eldaain, the third biggest city in Elduin. There lives a girl there by the name of Sandra who runs a vineyard with her mother, Gertrude.

Sandra is laying on her bed reading one of her many books, with her long blonde hair hanging nearly to the floor, and her bright and vivid green eyes dancing back and forth across the words of the tome.

"Sandra! Here girl!" her mother Gertrude shouts in her wretched and raspy voice. "Just a moment!"Sandra snaps back.

Sandra gets up and and throws her dressing gown over her golden skin and walks out to the kitchen where her mother is.

"You called?" she says sarcastically. "Yes, I need you working in the fields today!" Gertrude replies. "Why!?" Sandra replies in a annoyed tone.

"Because Jean threw out his back again so he needs to heal. Have some sympathy girl!" Gertrude snaps at Sandra.

"Fine Mother, I'll do it. But maybe you should think about hiring servants that aren't old as dust!" she says as she walks into her room and slams shut the door.

Sandra opens her wardrobe and grabs her clothes, a plain gray shift and a dark red dress over top of it accompanied by her boots, which were too big for her petite feet. So she goes outside to the morning sea air, she heads to the edge of the vineyard near the front gate and hops upon the wall, her vineyard sitting upon a hill she could overlook most of the the town from the edge of her property. She loved to watch the hustle and bustle of the city, the ships coming in and out of port, sailing off to sea and down the rivers. At that moment her peace was interrupted by the screech of her mother. "Sandra get to work!" Gertrude yells from the doorway of their surprisingly small house.

Sandra hops down and goes back to the tending to the grapes. Hours of tedious work of watering and harvesting the grapes go by and soon enough evening has come and the sun is about to set. It casts an orange glare across the ocean and up through town.

Sandra grabs her basket full of grapes and carries it to the warehouse where they store grapes and their wine reserve. As Sandra approaches she notices the door to the warehouse is ajar. She quietly sets down her basket and sneaks over to the door.

Peering her head in reveals a silhouette of a girl, stuffing a large bag with Gertrude's reserve wine. "That wine is the most expensive in the region, I can't let her take it." Sandra thinks to herself.

Internally debating wether or not to interfere she ultimately decides to go in, so to avoid her Mother's wrath which is much scarier than any thief's blade.

Sandra slowly opens the warehouse door only for it to screech and alert the thief. The thief turns around to see Sandra halfway in the door and she runs at her and tackles Sandra to the ground.

Sandra looks up at the thief but all she can see is her striking purple eyes peering out of her hood and mask, with parts of black hair poking through as well.

The thief covers her mouth and says "Shhh, I don't wanna hurt you." she says staring at Sandra. She is so entranced in the thief's purple eyes she doesn't even try to struggle.

"I'll pay you three hundred gold for you silence. Deal?" she asks. Sandra just nods her head. The Thief gets off of her and pulls out a pouch of gold and sets it in Sandra's hand.

"Who are you!?" Sandra asks. "Just a thief, but they call me Amethyst." she replies while picking up the heavy bag full of wine.

"Who are 'they'?" Sandra asks. "There's a guild, you could call it. A guild of thieves in Eldaain. I'm one of them." Amethyst replies.

"There's a whole guild of you?" Sandra asks as she steps closer to Amethyst. She takes a step back and replies "Yes but that's all I should say."

Sandra thinks about all the days of waking up to her cruel mother, being forced to work in the dirt. She imagines how fun it would be to be a thief and go on adventures.

"How do I join you!?" Sandra asks excitedly "What!?" Amethyst responds. "I want to join you..."

At that moment Sandra is interrupted by an arrow hitting the wall in front of her just missing both of them. She turns around to see a guard with his bow drawn ready to fire again.

Amethyst grabs Sandra and they roll out of the way of the guard. "Meet me at the temple if you're serious about joining." Amethyst says, and before Sandra can utter a sound Amethyst runs off with her cloak flowing in the wind and hops the wall and is gone.

The Guard runs over to Sandra. "My lady, are you alright? Did that thief hurt you?" he asks. "No no I'm fine" she replies. "But do please don't tell my mother about this." she requests.

"But my lady I have to or she'll have my 'ead!" he replies.

Sandra looks down at her pouch of three hundred gold coins. "How about for three hundred gold?" she asks the guard. "Oh why thank you my lady, you have my word that Lady Gertrude won't hear about this!"

Sandra and the guard go their separate ways and as Sandra walks back to the house she mumbles "Greedy fool." under her breath followed by a giggle.

Sandra enters her house and us greeted by her mother. "What took so long!" she demands. "I was tired and just resting." she replies. "Off to bed with you then if you're so tired!" she yells. "But mother I've not had dinner yet!".

"I don't care Sandra! Go!"

Sandra goes into her room, undresses to her undergarments and crawls into bed. As she lays there she can't help but keep thinking about her encounter with Amethyst. She decides to take her up on her offer and meet her at the Temple. She gets dressed in her dress and cloak and sneaks out of her window.

Sandra and Amethyst: A Journey Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now