Chapter XXXVI: Prisoners of the Orcs

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Hans and Amethyst are tied up in the cold, damp hold of Vok-Na's ship. Sandra's ship a day's time behind them, in pursuit.

Amethyst comes too, her hands bound behind her to a wooden support beam. Hans is tied up behind her so they're back to back. She strains her eyes looking around in the dark, she sees daylight through small holes in the wood but the hold is still dark as night.
Amethyst's face throbs in pain, no doubt bruised from Vok-Na's attack, she cough and that makes her head pound with pain.
She attempts to look back at her friend Hans best she can, he looks all right for the nost part but with a good sized lump of the side of his head.

"Hans!" She shouts as she leans backwards nudging him. "Hans wake up!"

Hans soon comes too, the loud noise of Amethyst's shouting like a drum next to his ear. "Where are we?" He asks, straight to business with him as always.

"In that Orc's ship I'd imagine." Amethyst responds, her head filled with thoughts on how to get revenge.

"Where are Riona and Sandra!?" Hans asks as the realization of them being left on Gregor's ship dawns on them.

"I fear they may be dead or taken prisoner. I'm holding out for prisoner as I'd fall apart otherwise." Amethyst replies, brutally honest. 

"Damn! I could have held that line had I not jumped across!" Hans shouts in frustration.

"So you would have rathr left me to almost certain death?" Amethyst acuses, her face scowling from the insulting remark.

"No! Of course not! I didn't mean it that way!" Hans says apologetically.

Amethyst sighs, slumping down a little. "No, you should have stayed with Sandra and Riona. I'm expendable." Amethyst says melancholic.

"Hey!" Hans shouts at her. "No talk of that manner! Sandra needs you, Riona needs you and I need you! Even the Grand Temple needs you! So don't ever say you're expendable again!" Hans shouts at her, upset at her ambivalent attitude towards her own life.

"Damn the Temple!" Amethyst shouts. 

"And damn us, your friends too?" Hans asks angrily, turning his head as much as he can to look back at her.

"No, of course not." Amethyst says quietly.

"You say that you could never live without Sandra, that's why you always do the mire dangerous tasks or jump in front of danger. You don't realize that Sandra feels the same way." Hans explains.

"How? Daniel was taken from me! My home was ransacked by my worst enemy. Peter's best friend died, hus sadness hurts me too!" Amethyst yells angrily at Hans.

"Enough  Amethyst! I know Daniel was like your father, was your father and I don't expect you to get over it. But you have to realize Sandra's life wasn't so wonderful either." Hans says, his deep voice booming throughout the hold.

"She was gentry, I was a petty thief!" Amethyst says.

"She was gentry, gentry that had almost no friends, a mother that hated and abused her, she had to work fields like a common worker without pay. You, Daniel and Peter were the best thing to happen to her. She was very broken and upset iver his death." Hans says, defending Sandra.

"She never told me that, she only cried for him a few times." Amethyst says confused. 

"She hid it from you, she didn't want to seem like she was being over dramatic. She told me and Riona that she'd cried multiple night in a row when she was 'getting som air'. She had nightmares too, her second ever friend was slaughtered in front of her. Sandra eas destroyed." Hans says, exasperated from his angry tone.

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