Chapter XI: Loss

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Sandra is laying on the hill overlooking the Bandit Camp snoring away asleep, they've been there hours. Peter suddenly shakes her awake. "Wake up!" he shouts. "Huh? What? What's going on!?" she asks as she rubs her eyes clear of the grogginess of sleep. "They're mobilizing, and fast! The running straight into town, this can't be good lass!" Peter says worried. "You think they're going after Daniel and Amethyst?" Sandra asks almost tearing up in worry and fright as she grabs on to Peter's arm. "I don't know, lets find out!"

Peter and Sandra proceed to run back inside the walls following the marching band of bandits from a safe distance. Eventually they see a woman in a bloody and tattered yellow dress run by. "Amethyst!" Sandra says as she runs towards that direction. "Wait!" Peter yells but it's too late.

Sandra manages to catch up to the almost limping Amethyst and helps her run as she gained some ground on the guards. "What happened? Where's Daniel?" Sandra asks. "I don't know, we just have to go!" Amethyst replies coughing. The two run but can't run fast enough and the guard are quickly gaining ground, they always catch up no matter which street they turn onto until they turn one corner and get grabbed and pulled into a shop. "Get off me!" Sandra yells. "Hey it's me Peter! Calm down!? Shhh stay quiet!" he says as they hear the heavy footsteps and clanking metal armor of the guards go by the door. "Ok I think we're clear." Peter says. He looks down at Amethyst and sees her many slash wounds. "Oh no lass, your wounds!" She coughs and says. "Don't worry about m-me, we need to find Daniel! We got split up." is all she manges to get out before she gets fatigued again. Sandra grabs hold of her and says. "Shush we'll find him, I'm sure he's fine. Just rest you need your strength." "Daniel probably went back to the Temple, I'm sure he's fine." Peter says in a very worried tone. "We'll wrap your wounds and we'll head there." Sandra says.

Peter and Sandra bandage up Amethyst's wounds in silence and then a few minutes pass and they decide to head out of the shop.

They cautiously wander the empty streets, carefully avoiding guard patrols and finally arrive back at the hideout and they go inside. When they enter Daniel is nowhere to be found and they all sit in worried silence. Peter is pacing back and forth angrily mumbling to himself and Sandra tending to Amethyst. "So what happened!?" he asks. "Gaartren was there, and Daniel tried to kill him. But there was too many and we were outnumbered, I took a few hits trying to get Daniel out and then we got separated near the front gate of the Castle." Amethyst says weakly. "I will kill him if he took my best friend from me!"

Just then the door creaks open and Daniel limps in. "Not gone quite yet old friend!" he says with a hurting smirk. "Danny!" Peter runs over and sits him down. "Are you Ok?" he asks. "I'm fine just a little torn up!" he says as he grunts in pain. Amethyst walks over him and hugs him "I'm so glad you're ok!" she says crying. "Of course I am!" he laughs back. "She was so worried!" Sandra says. "I know, she always worries too much!" he jokes.

At that moment they hear a loud bang at the door. "What was that!?" Amethyst asks. "Damn it! I thought I lost them! They must have seen me get in here, we have to move now!" Daniel says getting up from his seat. "Where?They're at the only exit!?" Sandra asks in a panic. "No, there's a way out through the roof, lass!" Peter says. He pulls a ladder out and climbs to the top of the tall room and opens a hatch. Crack! They hear the door about to bust open completely. "Hurry up!" Peter yells from the top. Sandra quickly climbs up but Amethyst struggles because of her wounds. Daniel runs over and helps her climb up a little bit.

Crash! The door breaks open! "I know you're here Daniel!" yells Gaartren's familiar but terrible voice. Daniel looks back and sees the door is still a little stuck but it won't be for long, he has to make a decision quickly. "Take this!" Daniel places Ife's dagger in Amethyst's hand. "What? What are you..." "I'm sorry Amethyst" Daniel interrupts "Go with Sandra, go live your lives together. Go to Cherlinoff and get married like Ife and I never could." Crash! The door is completely broken now. "I love you. Now go!" he says pushing her up the ladder and Sandra pulling her up. "I love you Daniel. Please!" Amethyst shouts from the top. Daniel just smiles and pushes the ladder up towards them so the bandits can't use it. Suddenly Gaartren's sword enters Daniel's back and then the trapdoor slams shut.

"No! No! We have to go back for him!" Amethyst cries hysterically. Peter grabs her and holds her back and he's crying as well. "We can't, we have to go on. For him!"

Sandra can't do anything but watch in horror at the pain her love and friend are in. The three of them climb down and swiftly race through the streets and outside the city walls. They run as fast as they can until they are too fatigued to go on and they hide in the forest, stunned silent together.

Amethyst begins crying again and Sandra holds her in her arms with tears of her own falling as well. Peter is sitting alone, staring back at the city. "I'm so sorry." he says to himself. "I'll make this right!"

Sandra and Amethyst: A Journey Of LoveWhere stories live. Discover now