Filled With Drama

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Londons POV


After talking to Paris for a few, I get back to work. Paris went back to eating with her mom.  

When I walk back up to the front I see that my area has gotten quite busy. I grab my pencil and paper for the second time today. I walk away from behind the counter and realize that Paris's booth had been clear. The only object on the table was a little piece of paper that reads..

'Hey London, here is my new number. Call me when you get out of work and maybe we can hang. From your Bestie' 

I smile down at the note and gently slid it into my apron. I went to booth 4, 3, 2, and 1 to take there orders. Most of them were really easy orders. I walk back behind the counter and gave the chief the orders. I was waiting behind the counter for the orders to get ready when Cole came up to me.

"Hey gorgeous, who was that girl you were talking to in the bathroom", he asked leaning against the counter. 

"She's my bestfriend. She just got back from photography school, and we haven't seen each other in 5 years", I told him staring into in ocean blue eyes.

"So, I'm guessing that your going to want to catch up with her?", he ask with a grin on his face.

"Yes, Cole. That's what bestfriends do when they haven't seen each other in 5 year", I told him with hearing the bell ding.

I grab the food for booth 4, and 3, and walk it out to them.

"So, no dinner date tonight", he shouted as I walk away.

I start to laugh to myself and shake my head making my ponytail swing back and forth. As I walk to booth 4, I see my other co-worker Julie give me a death glare as she walks past me. God, what the hell is her problem, I wonder to myself.  

Let's just say I'm used to it from her. For some reason she absolutely hates me. She's always giving me a death glare. I have a feeling it has something to do with Cole, but I'm not absolutely sure. 

After dropping my plates off at booth's 4,and 3, I hear the bell ding for the last 2 booths. I walk back up behind the counter and grab the plates. After dropping them off at there booth's, I have nothing else to do at the moment. So I decide to go and call Paris about possibly hanging out after work.  

I call and the only rings twice before I hear it another voice on the end....


"Hey, It's London. I see you left your number for me. You just got back and your already being a player".

I hear her laugh after my comment. 

"Yea you want to be my boo".

I laugh at her comment. God how I've missed her.


Our conversation lasted for about 5 mins. After the few jokes we cracked, she asked if after work I would want to catch up at the mall. And of course I said Yes. I didn't get off until 4:30, so I had about 2 more hours until I could see her. 

I walk back upfront seeing that the only booth that was still occupied was 1. I walk over to booth 4 and put the dishes into the dirty dishes basket. I set down the basket and take my rag to clean off the table. After doing booth 4, I move to the rest of them until all of the dishes are off of them and they are clean. I walk the dishes into the kitchen, and load them into the dishwasher to they could get clean. 

I walk back up to the front and sit on the stool waiting for the costumers in booth 1 to finish there lunch so I can clean the table. 

In the mean time Julies come over to me, still giving me a death glare...

"Umm, I know your one of the newer ones, but I want you to stay away from Cole. He's mine. Do you understand that", she ask, saying the last part like I'm five.

"First of all, don't talk to me like I'm five because I'm not. And second of all, I didn't know we were still in high school, claiming people", I tell her with the same annoying voice she used. 

Julie scoffed and rolled her eyes at me as she walk away. God, why does she have to be such a bitch. 

After that little encounter, I got back to work making my way to booth 1, doing the whole routine over again.


It is currently 4:30, and I'm officially off. I make my way towards the locker room to grab my stuff, and head home to get ready for the mall. I walk into the locker room and grab my bag from the locker. I find my card and clock out, as I walk out the back door to my car. 

I unlock my car, and jump into it. I start my car and begin my 20 min drive home. 

After rocking out  to some music and letting the wind blow through my hair I finally reach my small 1 bed, 1 bath home. I pull the keys out of the engine, and walk up my sidewalk finding the key to unlock the door. I rush into my house and throw my bag on the couch, and walk to my room. I walk into my closet finding an nice outfit that would be reasonable. I find a white frilly crop top, and light jeans. I strip out of my work clothes, and throw on the clothes I picked out. I looked into the big mirror in my room, and took down my hair to run a brush through it real quick. 

I grab my phone and shoot Paris a real quick telling her when I will be there. I grab my purse, making sure that my credit card was in there, and a little bit of cash. By the time I get done it is 5:00. WOW, that was a new record. I have never gotten ready in 10 min for anything. I walk out the front door, making sure I lock the door. I get in the car and start the 5 min ride to the mall.


5 hours later

It was now 10:00 at night and I had just gotten home from the mall around 9:30. Going to the mall again with Paris just brought back the best memories. She threw jokes around, and so did I. I told her about all the drama that was ging on with me, and did the same. She even went as far as telling me that I was...

'Filled with drama'.

And I had to admit, I was. She used to be the one with all the drama through middle school, and high school. But now I'm the one 'Filled with Drama'.

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Hey Guys. I hope you enjoy reading so far. We're back with another London POV. The next time you will be reading this will be a Paris POV. Anyway let us know what you think about the 2 different POV. Also let me know what you think about this book having 2 different authors. 

xxxParisBesties12 😘

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