Chapter 37

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*Lukes POV*

        Right now Calum, Ashton, and I are sitting at a table in the club that niall took us too and we're drunk. All the others are somewhere in the club probably dancing, calum and i were talking when all of a sudden ash slurs out "Say cheese."
I give him a drunk smile while calum pokes me with his straw, when the picture was done i told calum and ashton that i was going to the bathroom but they just ignored me.

                As i stumbled my way to the bathroom i found liam who was sober "Hey li." I yelled watching him turn around, he walked over to me grabbing my arm lightly "Come on Luke we're going home." I frowned yanking my arm out of his grip "no, i gotta pee." I whined, he sighed nodding leading me to the bathroom. He waited outside while i went inside and did my business, when i was done i washed my hands walking out "Come On Li Li." I cheered running into the crowd stumbling a bit ignoring liams calls. "Hey Ashy." I smiled widely leaning against him, he wrapped his arm around me drunkinly "Hiya Lukey." I looked into the crowd looking at everyone when my eyes fell on two people in the corner making out.... holy shit is that... Calum and mikey?! i looked up at ashton "Can you get me more shots please?" I asked pouting my lip out, he rolled his eyes leaning down biting my lip making my eyes widen watching him walk drunkinly to the counter all i could think was 'did that just really happen?' I just ignored it as i seen him coming back with 10 more shots "5 for you and 5 for me" i cheered as we both grabbed a shot "Cheers!!" we yelled gulping them down.

*5 minutes later*

        After those 10 shots we were wasted, next thing i know liam is coming up with all the others behind him "Come on we're leaving now." I laughed loudly for no reason leaning against ashton for support, i grabbed ashtons hand running out of the club breathing the fresh air "Come on ashy, i wanna go home and sleep." I pouted he giggled dragging me to the car opening the door pulling me into the car with the others following along.

*Skip car ride*

        When we arrived him i seen perries car in the driveway but thought nothing of it, next thing i know im being dragged by ashton again making me laugh out randomly "Ashy stop it i ca-" I was suddenly cut off by a pair of lips on mine, i was so wasted i thought nothing of it and continued kissing him, he blindly opened the door walking to the living room without breaking the kiss "HOLY SHIT!" I heard someone yell and then laughing but me and ashton continued kissing and then there were flashes everywhere "I so have to record this, they will forget it in the morning" Someone said, all of a sudden ashton sat on the couch pulling me on his lap i leaned into his neck sucking a bit leaving some love bites as he ran his hands through my hair. I pulled away yawning loudly and laid on the couch and somehow my head ended up in his lap, before i passed out another flash went off and then i passed out.

*The next morning*

        I. Have. The. Worst. Hangover.
I groaned loudly and then furrowed my eyebrows when i heard giggling and talking, I opened my eyes and sat up groaning holding my head.
I turned toward the noise seeing Emily, Eleanor, and Perrie going through their phones... "Whats so funny?" I grumbled about to lay on my 'pillow' but seen it was someones lap, i furrowed my eye brows confused and moved my eyes from the persons legs to their face seeing a sleeping ashton "What the hell happened last night." I heard more giggling which woke up ashton who held his head "Uh, i hate hangovers" "Oh my god i love that picture." Perrie squealed showing emily and eleanor who laughed, i furrowed my eye brows "Do you know what happened last night?" I asked ashton, he shook his head wincing in pain "We do." the girls spoke up, i turned toward them confused "Well part of it..." Perrie trailed off stiffling a laugh "Well you going to tell us?" I asked, "More like show you." She said, the girls walked up with their phones and started going to through pictures of.... ASHTON AND I KISSING?! "What the fuck?!" I yelled immediately regretting it from my head ache "You guys had some fun last night." Eleanor said in a sing-song voice, i glared at her turning to ashton who was wide eyed "What did we do?" He asked slowly, they giggled as emily walked over to ashton moving his head sideways showing a hickey "Did i do that?" I asked wide eyed, they nodded "Why are you laughing about all this you're my girlfriend." I said confusingly to emily who giggled "Honestly, this might sound weird but if you were to cheat on me i would rather it be with ashton instead of some whore." I smiled leaning up to kiss her but she pushed my face back making me frown.

                "Babe, you might not remember but you were making out with ashton last night, if you want a kiss go wash your mouth." She said, i rolled my eyes standing up noticing almost all the guys passed out aroud the living room, mikey is under a table by the stairs and louis sleeping on the stairs... ouch, any i stood up walking to the bathroom when i heard ashtons voice "HEY! Whats that suppose to mean?!" I chuckled quietly, i entered the bathroom and started brushing my teeth. When i was done i rinsed out my mouth grabbing some advil popping in two plus my meds and drank some water. I walked out of the bathroom walking back to the living room just in time to see mikey wake up and hit his head on the table "What the hell." He grumbled holding his head, i ignored him walking over to emily wrapping my arms around her stomach putting my hands on her baby bump giving her a kiss.

                                "Hope everyone had a good night." I heard liams voice coming down the stairs, i nodded making emily giggle "Bet you did." I playfully glared at her but she just winked "Good, because vacation was cut short we're going back on tour in US in 4 days."

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