Chapter 70

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[WARNING:] Short chapter and the last chapter, dont worry i will immediately start working on the sequel. c:

*Lukes POV*

        I was woken up by Ashton telling me that it was time to go, so i got out of bed and put on a shirt before grabbing my bags that i packed last night and pulled them downstairs. When i got into the living room i seen the others sitting on the couches. "Im going to leave emily a note." I stated, they nodded and continued talking, i grabbed a notebook and a pen and started writing.

'Emily, when you get this im already on a plane heading to the states with the guys. Im sorry i didnt tell you but the vacation was cut short and i couldnt tell you that i was leaving today face to face because i didnt want to see the look on your face. I swear ill be back before you know it, call me right when you read this.
                                                        ~Luke xx

        When i was done i folded the paper in half and walked to the living room "Ready?" Zayn asked, i nodded setting the paper on the table as we got our bags and loaded them into the van. As we drove off i turned around sighing as we drove to the airport.

*Emilys POV* -a few hours later*

                I woke up to knocking on the door, i let out a groan and walked out of my room and to the front door, i opened it and seen perrie smiling "What?" I grumbled, she pouted walking inside.

        "I came to wake you up so we can go visit the guys." "I cant just leave the kids." I sighed "They're sleeping." She pointed out, "Better be quick" I mumbled under my breath, i turned around walking back to mine and lukes room and got changed into this. "im ready, hey we should call malia and eleanor to meet us there." I suggested, she nodded pulling out her phone as we walked down to the guys house.

                As we arrived to the house we sat on the porch waiting for the girls to arrive. After about 15 minutes of sitting and talking eleanors car pulled in, her and malia got out and walked up to us. "Finally." Perrie Joked, i giggled watching malia and eleanor rolled their eyes. We entered the house and heard nothing but silence... weird.

        We walked into the livingroom seeing no one so perrie, eleanor, and malia went and checked the other rooms while i looked downstairs. I went to walk into the kitchen when a piece of paper caught my eye, i furrowed my eyebrows and walked over and picked it up.

                When i was done reading it i had tears in my eyes, i heard footsteps enter but i ignored them and read over the paper again. "Em, you okay?" Perrie asked worriedly, i shook my head "What happened?" She asked, i took a deep breath "T-The boys.... They're gone." I whispered looking at the piece of paper signed my Luke.

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