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TRIGGER WARNING: This part contains some pretty graphic scenes. It's just a story, I don't mean to hurt or offend anyone, especially not the members of BTS, I love them all unconditionally. And obviously, I don't wish these things to happen to them, I repeat, it's just a story. 

Please skip this part if you're sensitive to that type of stuff.    

"Uhh I'm Y/N."

"Nice to meet you. Sorry for the first impression. We'll get along." He says and smiles looking at the road.

Something about the calmness in his voice sends chills up your spine, especially when you just witnessed him death-threatening someone, in that same tone.

He put his sunglasses back on and started the engine.

"Sure." you finally answer, and that was the last of conversation in the van for the next couple hours to come.



You can't see anything. You can't hear anything, only an incredibly high pitched noise, and it hurts, everything hurts.

You try to see clearly but there's smoke everywhere. Just as your eyes adjust to the current scene, a bright light blinds you again and blows you away.


That noise just got way louder.

Was that... a fucking bomb?!

You look at your body, no wonder it's aching and no wonder everything hurts, all you see is red.

You look around, trying to find some help. In-between the smoke and fire around you, you see a body.

You try your best to crawl your way closer to it, and you see other bodies. More and more.

You rub your eyes to try to focus on the person laying lifeless in front of you.

"... Taehyung?"

Terrified out of your mind, you start shouting his name and shaking his body as hard as you can. Your hearing comes back to you but you wish it hadn't, all you hear is gunshots, fire, shouting and laughter.

You look around to the other forms, laying still all around you "Oh god... Jin?... Namjoon? Oh my god... Jungkook? This can't be happening..."

Suddenly everything is dark again and you can barely breathe. Someone pushes you to the ground, although you're in so much pain already, it feels like you got pushed off of a building. Terrified, you try to get up, but someone put a bag over your head. 

You feel someone forcing you up on your knees. There's no more air.

You're being strangled with a bag.


With your last bit of air, you scream. 


You feel your heart beating out of your chest, you sit up straight, basically jumping, and scream as loud as you can.

But, wait...

you're back in the van.

'Oh god. It was just a dream...'

"What the hell?" you hear a freaked out Taehyung say, everyone in the van understandably had a similar reaction to his.

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