The Triwizard Tournament

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"What do you think?"

Walking faster than the other girl, excitement was clear in every movement of Elizabeth's body. She stopped and turned when she was too far ahead, waiting for the other girl to catch up. Once they were shoulder to shoulder, she asked again, "Adalena, what do you think?"

Adelena shrugged in response, making sure her posture was straight and head high. Under the watchful gaze of the professors, she was always prim and proper. They'd give her a sharp rapping on the knuckles if she disobeyed. Elizabeth was a natural lady, with shining blond hair and sapphire blue eyes. Her features were strong and sharp, and her personality was dazzling. Adelena was the one who was usually overlooked. But she wanted to change that. She was 17 now, it was her last year. She wanted to do something...memoriable

"Maybe it'll be something important, or perhaps they'll reward a special award!" Gushing, Elizabeth kept on a rapid flow of words as Adelena silently kept her company. The click clack of their heels could be heard as Adelena painfully walked. The pain would dull eventually, she knew. She'd gone to Beaubaxtons for 6 years, and still wasn't used to it.

They walked pass portraits hanging on the white marble columns that stood on either side of them. Countless times, Adelena had stared at them. Wondering if she'd ever get the chance to hand on those walls. Everyone did it, at one point in their lives. But for some reason, Adelena couldn't shake off her dream. 

Together, they walked into the dining room. It was large, and spacious. The ceiling was made of crystal glass, and the giant chandelier that hung above them was made of gold. Along with all the other students of Beaubaxtons, they filed themselves into their places like a deck of cards.

The seating chart was by alphabetical order of the last name, so Adelena last. Her last name, "Zenore" was unique, but it did have its downs. Behind her, there was a stage with chairs lined around it. During dinner, an orchestra usually sat, serenating them as the students ate. Sitting last, the music was a little too loud, and she had to deal with the occasional spittle that flied her way. To her right and left, were the different house tables. To the front, a pedestal stood, where the headmistress would give the announcement. Adelena sat at her house, "Cossu". Hanging above was a blue and white banner, the house's symbol. 

They couldn't be called for no reason. People all around her chatted as the school waited for Headmistress Ebella Seracoth to arrive. Adelena couldn't spot Elizabeth in the sea of mandatory blue robes. Silently she lifted up a silver spoon that lied on top of a lacy cloth. There was no one else for her to talk to. 

Her reflection stared back from a different angle as she looked at the spoon. She'd had never really understood why Elizabeth had called her "intriguing". Her brown hair was messily placed into a ponytail, and her storm-blue eyes stare back at her.

Suddenly, she noticed the upsurge of blue coats rising. Hastily she followed their example as she noticed the Headmistress come in. The Headmistress was a swan. Proud, elegant, and beautiful. And through it all, she made it look effortless. Every time she looked at Adelena, she felt like a frog about to be dissected.

She walked slowly to the podium. Once there, she waved a hand; the students took their seat.

"Now, you must all be wondering why I have called you. I have an important announcement to make." She unrolled a piece of parchment and waved her wand. The parchment floated toward the center of the long table and expanded until they could all see it. The sparkling around the edges were the only sign of magic that showed. It was bright brown, with tiny neat handwriting, and a red signature with a seal at the bottom.

"This is an invitation from England's government. They have invited us to participate in this years Triwizard tournament."

A wave of muttering rolled throughout the room. Shock flashed through her, and she wasn't the only one. Many people gasped out loud. Everyone had heard of the Triwizard's tournament. A fluttering excitement landed in Adelena's chest after the shock had left. Maybe, just maybe, this could be her chance. Herchance to do something. Something memorable.

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