six; party hard

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That night, my dad drove me to Liz's. I had thrown on a pair of skinny jeans and a crop top, with a yankee cap on my head. I had also brought a bag, with my phone, wallet, charger, headphones, a book and a bottle of water, just in case. 

"Hey, kid, listen," my dad said when we pulled up to Liz's house. "You know you can call me, for whatever, right?"

"What do you mean?" I asked him. 

"I know there's gonna be alcohol here," he said. "I don't care if you drink or don't drink. I want you to go and have fun, and god knows I did my fair share of underage drinking as a teen. All I'm saying is, don't get in the car with anyone who's drunk. Call me. Call me a hundred times if you have to, just call me. And I will come pick you up. No matter what. I don't care how drunk you are, or if you're high. It doesn't matter. I just want you to be safe." I knew exactly where this was coming from. My dad had always been the more relaxed parent, but it was more than that. I never went anywhere, or did anything with people my own age. I was always studying, or volunteering with the EMTs in Queens. I didn't really have friends, definitely none that I ever brought over. My parents had both been shocked when I told them I was invited to a party, and even more shocked when I said I was going to go. My dad was just worried I was going to get too into the party, and do stupid things. I understood. And I was really glad to have him to turn to if things did get bad. 

"Thanks, dad," I smiled. "I promise I'll call." 

"Love you, Rosie," my dad said, hugging me. I wrinkled my nose. "You're the only person in the world who calls me Rose, dad." 

"Well, I'm the one who picked your middle name, so I'm gonna use it," he replied. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, dad. I have to go now."

"Have fun! I'll see you later," he said. I hugged him again before sliding out of the car and walking into the house, which was packed. Flash was DJing in an obnoxiously yellow shirt, and I shuddered. This was already a bad idea. The door opened behind me, and I saw Peter and Ned walk in. I immediately ducked behind a counter, where Michelle was making toast. 

"Hi, Dylan," she said. 

"Hey, Michelle," I whispered. 

"DJ Flash!" The speakers blared. I rolled my eyes. 

"... and then I get a fist bump or one of those half bro-hugs," I heard Ned say.

"Can't believe you guys are at this lame party," Michelle said, throwing her hair back as she spread some jelly on a slice of toast. 

"But, you're here too," Ned said. 

"Am I?" Michelle asked as she walked away. 

"Oh, my gosh," Liz said. I cringed, knowing Peter and Ned weren't moving any time soon, which meant I wasn't either. I sat on the floor and waited, playing with the laces on my vans and trying to keep my thoughts quiet so Peter wouldn't hear me. 

"Hey guys," Liz said. I could hear her smile. "Cool hat, Ned."

"Hi, Liz," Ned said. 

"Hi, Liz," Peter repeated. his voice squeaking. 

"Idiots," I whispered under my breath.

"I'm so happy you guys came," Liz said. "I'm surprised Dylan's not with you. I'm sure she'll be here soon. Anyway, there's pizza and drinks. Help yourself."

"What a great party," Peter said. I rolled my eyes. 

"Thanks," Liz smiled. Then, a glass broke in another room. "Oh, I... My parents will kill me if anything's broken. I gotta--"

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