1: New girl

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Alyssa Mercer's POV*

I walk up to the large building and stare at the sign. 

Behavioral Analysis Unit FBI HeadQuarters

Quantico, Virginia

I swallow the lump in my throat and walk into the doors. The Air Conditioning was on full blast and goosebumps appeared on my skin. I see a beautiful woman with blonde hair and blue eyes standing near the lifts. I walk up to her and introduce myself. 

" Uhm, excuse me? My name is Alyssa Mercer and I'm new here. I was wondering who was Jennifer Jareau?" 

The woman smiles sweetly and says, " Well, then. You must be looking for me then. Call me JJ, everyone does."

I smile back and nod. The lifts open and we both walk in. JJ presses a button on a panel and we go up. The elevators ding and we walk out of the lifts and into a large room. JJ motions me to continue following her and I obey. She knocks on a door that has the name ' Aaron Hotchner'. 

" Sir, the new addition is here." 

The man with dark hair looks up at me with hazel eyes. I smile awkwardly and he nods to JJ, 

" Thank you, JJ. Prepare the bullpen."

JJ nods at once and smiles at me once more before she leaves to something called a bullpen. Mr. Hotchner writes something down and looks at me. I feel squirmish under his gaze. He speaks,

" Give me your name and date of birth, please."

" Of course, sir. My name is Alyssa Mercer and I was born on March 9, 1993."

" Excellent- Wait. You mean to tell me that you're sixteen?"

I flush red.

" Yes, sir. I am. I'm sorry if I don't seem qualified for this job but give me a case and I promise I will work it until there is nothing left."

Mr.Hotchner sighs and looks at me, 

" Alyssa, you are every bit as qualified for this job. You are a very smart young lady. I mean, you are a doctor correct?"

I nod. Mr.Hotchner smiles a bit and stands up. He hands me my badge and I grab it from him, eager. 

"Welcome to the BAU, Doctor Mercer."

I smile widely.

" Thank you, sir! I will never let you down." 

He motions toward the door and I walk out.  We walk down a catwalk and we end up in a large conference room, which I assume was the bullpen. I see JJ, a man with dark skin, another woman with dark hair and a gentle face, another lady with brightly colored hair and who looks super fun, an older gentleman with a graying goatee, and a young man with long curly hair and a concerned expression. Hotchner introduces me to my new team,

" Guys, this is Dr. Alyssa Mercer, she is a new BAU profiler. Alyssa, this is Derek Morgan."

He points to the man with the darker skin. Derek smiles and shows a row of straight, pearl-white teeth. he's a player, I think. 

" This is Emily Prentiss." The woman with the dark hair.  She seems kind and headstrong.

" This is Penelope Garcia, our Tech Analysist."  Bright hair. She seems to be in love with Derek. But gentle and kind.

" This is David Rossi." The graying Goatee. Nice. Funny when he wants to be. Badass when he wants to be.

 " And this is Dr. Spencer Reid." Curly hair.  He's jealous of me. Pretty smart. He's probably borderline Autistic. 

I quickly profile all of them and smile sweetly. 

" It's such an honor to be with you. Thank you for letting me in at this random time frame."

They all, but Spencer, smile and welcome me. I take my seat next to him and listen to JJ talk about our newest case. It was in Portland, Oregon. A serial killer with a different M.O. every time. I refuse my lips to blurt out the profile right then and there. But, Hotch asks me what do I think. I told them straight,

" The UNSUB is obviously a copycat. I mean, look at these marks around the throat. That's the Strangler, right there. And this one, holes in many victims heads. That's definitely Bundy. The UNSUB is going after women who resembles his 'heroes' in some sort of way. Oh, and little boys and men as well. He is trying to bring them back and he's doing this by killing like them. Look at all of these, you got Son of Sam. Ted Bundy. Jack the Ripper. Hell, even the Zodiac Killer. He's struggling to find his own way so he's searching by killing like all of those who had killed before him." 

I breathe deeply after that one. I look at their faces and see the same emotion on all of them. Shock. I know. I'm a genius. Not in a bragging way. I'm an actual genius.

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