15: Be my girl

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Third person POV*

Alyssa Mercer was asleep with a thousand and one IV's in her arms. Her bruises were fading but they still stuck out on her dull tan skin. Her long brown hair was fanned out around her. There was a boy the age of nineteen watching her breathe in and out. His name is Spencer Reid. He watches the girl with such intensity. Alyssa opened her green eyes and looked at Spencer.

" Spence?" Her voice was hoarse. Spencer looked at her with his hazel eyes and he smiled at once. Alyssa noted how bright he looks when he smiles.

" Lyssa. Are you okay? You're not in pain are you?" He asked her. Alyssa laughed a bit and said,

" You sound like Mommy and Daddy." 

Spencer brushed stray strands of hair from her beautiful face. Alyssa leaned into the boys rough yet soft hands. 

" You still didn't answer my questions, Alyssa," Spencer said. Alyssa smiled wider and grabbed his face. They looked at each other and both of their hearts were fluttering madly. Alyssa brought his face closer to her and pressed her bruised and chapped lips to his super soft ones. He sighed into her kiss and their lips moved in sync. Spencer put his hand on the back of Alyssa's neck and deepened the kiss.

" Gosh, you guys are making out like you two haven't seen each other in years!" says a voice. Alyssa and Spencer laugh and turn to see Jeniffer Jareau and the rest of their team behind her. Alyssa raised her dark eyebrow and spoke,

" Well considering the factor that I met him at age ten and he met me at age thirteen it was about six to seven years okay. We have a right don'tcha think?"

JJ laughed brightly and brought everyone in. They all asked Alyssa if she was fine and doing well. Alyssa said that she was fine and not to worry. She eyeballed Morgan and Garcia holding hands and they were a bit too close. She smiled at her bubbly nerdy friend and she smiled back.  Spencer decided to do what he wasn't supposed to. He gave a signal to Morgan and he made the room quiet at once. Alyssa looked at Spencer and he smiled.

" Alyssa Bethany Mercer. I promised you seven years ago that when we meet again you will become my girlfriend. Today I am keeping that promise. Alyssa Mercer, will you as Morgan says it, be my girl?"

Alyssa looked up at him in awe. He just asked her out. In front of her team. In front of Rossi. She looked at David Rossi and he nodded. She smiled widely and said to Spencer,

" Baby, I was already yours since I was ten."

Spencer smiled his beautiful smile and kissed the girl he loved. Everyone went," Awwwww." Alyssa laughed into Spencer's kiss and rolled her green eyes. The doctor came in and she looked at Alyssa. She looked sad. 

" Are you Alyssa Mercer?"

Alyssa nodded and straightened at once, " Yes ma'am." 

" We regret to inform you that Johnny Matthias did not survive." 

I wasn't surprised. 

" Good."

" E-excuse me, miss."

" I.Said.Good. Did you not understand?"

" B-but-"

" He kidnapped my friend's son and threatened my boyfriend's life! I'm glad he's dead. And for your information I killed him. Swallow that."

The doctor nodded at once and ran out the room. Alyssa laughed at Spencer's reaction.

" How can you be so badass when you are in a hospital bed?"

Alyssa shrugs, " It comes with being a ten-year-old high school grad and the murder of your parents."

" Actually. I found out who killed your, parents, Lyss."

" What?"

Garcia pushed up her glasses and started to speak,

" It was Johnny. He killed them because he asked if he could date you and they said no. I found the tape he had there. He was playing as you kept going in and out of consciousness."

Alyssa's body turned to ice. The boy she dated at eleven went and killed her favorite people in the world. She clenched her tiny fists and started to cry. Her boyfriend was the first person to grab her and hug her.

" I promised them that I would find the person who did this to them. And all along, it was him. If he wasn't already dead, I would have killed him. AGAIN!"

She sobbed into Spencer's chest. He mouthed the words, 

" Don't worry I got her." to his team. They nodded and left the room. Henry stayed though. He went and climbed on his godfather's girlfriend's bed and wrapped his little arms around her.

" Don't worry, Aleesa." He couldn't pronounce her name just yet. Alyssa smiled and hugged little Henry. 

" Thank you, little man."

" Do you feels betters?"

" yes. I do. Much much better now!" Alyssa stuck her tongue out and tickled Henry until he nearly fell off the bed. She ruffled his blonde hair and he smiled big at his savior. 

" Go on. Go to mommy."

Henry nodded and gave a tip of his fake hat. Alyssa giggled and tipped hers back. Henry smiled again and ran out the room. 

" You are too precious you know that right?" Spencer asked his girlfriend. Alyssa hugged him. 

" Yup." Popping her 'p'. 

" Want anything?"

" Yeah."

" What?"

" You and some lime Jell-O." Alyssa smiled and they both laughed. Spencer patted her head.

" Anything for my girl."

He left the room in search of lime Jell-O for his girl.

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