11: Alyssa

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Alyssa's POV*

I hear a door slam and I jolt awake. I look for the not-so-secret camera that was recording me. I swallow, trying to drench my desert mouth.  I cough and start to speak. 

" Spence, JJ, Penelope. His name is Johnny Matthias. I don't know where I am but I know it's somewhere in Oregon and I know that I'm still in Portland. Please. Look him up and if you have to, look me up as well. I can take it. Don't worry. I can take it. I love you all very much. Please find me soon. I'm starving and.. I really have to pee."

I frown and try to laugh. It doesn't work out. I start to cry. 

" Please. I hate this. I hate the drugs he pumps me up on. Oh, please help me."

The door slams open and I squeak. I look back at the camera and mouth,

" I'm pretending to sleep."

I roll my head to the side as Johnny stomps into the room. I already know he's going to smack me and sure enough, he does. I gasp in pain. He pulls at my hair and makes me face him. 

" You were awake. Tears are still wet on your face."

He does something and my ropes come free. He picks me up by my throat and I choke. I kick out but my legs are sluggish. He laughs and throws me across the room. My back connects to a wall and I scream from the pain. He picks me up again and throws me the opposite way. Again, my back screams with pain. I start to crab crawl, hoping to find a weapon. I found a rusty knife and grab it. Johnny staggers toward me and I get up, stumbling a bit. I get ready and run at him, my knife raised high. He tries to grab me. I'm small and kinda quick, I'm faster without drugs in my nervous system. I scan the room, making sure that I'm in the view of the camera.  Once I see the red dot blinking, I take my knife and stab him in his leg. Johnny screams in pain and he makes a grab for me.  He manages to snatch my leg and he pulls. My feet are swept from under me. My head smacks the marble floor and I felt my head crack open like a coconut. I squeeze my eyes. I open them again when Johnny picks me up and smashes me down in the chair, retying my binds. He grabs my face, his nails digging into my skin. 

" Next time you do that, YOU WILL DIE!"

I scream in fear. No, I can't die. Johnny laughs and he gets a real unnecessarily big stick and he swings it around, clocking me upside the head. I groan. He lifts it up and swings it down. I hear a bone in my body crack. My rib. I couldn't even register the pain. I was in shock. He looked at me and said,

" Did it hurt?"

I gave him the nastiest look I could muster.


Johnny grits his perfect white teeth and he cracks it again on my broken rib. I scream louder. Then he smashes it down on my head, making me shriek. Then my vision fades out and my brain starts to play memories.

-In Alyssa's mind-

" Miss Alyssa? Please come down, Someone wishes to speak to you."

I sit up in my big bed and wipe my tears,

" Coming, Ama!"

I get off and put on my slippers. I walk through the big house. I open the door and I see  Spencer. With his mom. He smiles at me and I blush. Why was he so cute, I thought. 

" Hello, are you Alyssa Mercer?" The woman asked me. I nodded and put the cuff of my big Panic! at the Disco sweater in my palm. 

" Hello, I'm Diana Reid. This is Spencer. He was watching you and wanted to talk to you."

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