Endless Possibilities

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(I do not own the videos used in this chapter)

Y/N's P.O.V

By the time we made it back to Sonic and Tails' house, I was still thinking about so many things. My parents, the house, and so many other things. It was a bit overwhelming.

Sonic set me down and we both went to check on Tails. We entered the workshop and saw that the portal was almost complete. Tails saw us walk in and smiled. "Hey, guys. Do you need something?" Tails asked. "We just came to check on you, buddy." Sonic said with a smile. "Well, the portal is almost finished. It should be finished by tomorrow, then you can go home Y/N." Tails said. "That's great Tails." I said, smiling. Even though I was smiling, I didn't really feel happy. I didn't know why I wasn't happy, but I didn't say anything.

Sonic and I went to the living room and played one more racing game. He would still beat me no matter how hard I tried. He still ended up taking first place in each race. Until, the unthinkable happened. I had finally beat Sonic in a race. I didn't know if it was skill or pure luck, but I was ecstatic. "Finally! I beat you!" I said, throwing my arms up in victory. Sonic chuckled at my reaction. "Good job Y/N. You've come a long way." Sonic said while giving me a thumbs up and a smile. I smiled back after calming down. We continued to play until it was already the end of the day.

We all headed to our rooms, telling each other goodnight before heading off to bed. I laid down in bed and closed my eyes, but never fully rest. I kept on thinking about the portal and about leaving this place. Why am I not happy about this? I should be happy, right? I wanted this from the beginning. Or is this something that I don't want? I can't stay here. It's too dangerous for me. But I do want to stay here. Why is this so hard!? I got up from my bed, put on my jacket, and went outside to clear my mind. I walked out the front door and sat on the front porch the house had. I sat there for a while, only thinking of one question. Should I stay, or should I go?

I didn't know how long I was out there alone, but it must've been a while. I even started to hum Dear My Friend. I know I've hummed this song before, but it was a good song. I soon stopped when I heard the front door open. I looked and saw Sonic walking towards me. "Couldn't sleep?" Sonic asked. "Yeah..." I answered. "Same here." Sonic said as he sat down next to me. It was silent for a moment before Sonic spoke. "Been thinking about tomorrow?" He asked me. I nodded my head. He sighed. "I guess it's just a lot to take in. Especially after everything you've been through." Sonic said. I nodded my head again. "Yeah. It is." I said. Sonic nodded before deciding to change the subject. "That song that you were humming sounded great. Can you sing it?" Sonic asked. I was a bit surprised to hear this, but it was my last day here. I mind as well do it now. "Alright." I said. I cleared my throat and started to sing.

(⬆️Play the song above⬆️)

"Good times and bad times,

I can count on being with you

I thank you for staying so true

My life will go on a long time,

Have to catch up when I see you

And you are my reason

I can make it through

I will give my word that I will

Come in time to rescue

My heart will always be with you

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