Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Riley P.O.V

I look at Harry and Blake walking to Mr.Myles office.

I quickly look down from Jeremy's stare. I feel nervous when he stares at me for so long.

I feel weird not wearing my hoodie so I walk out the gym and into the hallways. Mr.Myles won't mind if I go to my locker. Good thing my locker is on the first floor.

I hear footsteps behind me. In the corner of my eye I see Jeremy following me. Oh great here comes the name calling.

I stop in front of my locker.

"Riley we need to talk" I turn around to give him a dirty look.

"Can't" I open my locker taking my hoodie and walk back to the gym but he grabbed my arm pulling me in a empty class.

"Why are you with him?" He wouldn't stop tightening his grip on my arm.

"Jeremy you are hurting me" I try to yank my arm away but he was too strong. 

"Is it to make me jealous!" He yells angrily. Make him jealous? That's the last thing I ever want to do.

"What! No I'm not! Now leave me alone" I was starting to get angry. I want nothing to do with him.

"You made my best friend turn on me" he keeps squeezing my arm.

I had enough of his bullshit.

"Because you're an asshole" I yell in his face. His eyes widen and finally he lets go. I rub my arm to stop the pain. I turn around and reach for the doorknob.

"I love you" I froze turning around to face him. He loves me? No that can't be.

"I always loved you. The first time I met you but I was too stupid to realize it" he had hopes in his eyes but I was done being nice.

"You love me? For fucking 3 years you made my life miserable and now you expect me to forgive you and live happily ever after!" He looks down at the ground.

"Name calling,pranks and fucking torment year after year and you fucking think I'm gonna run in your arms like nothing happened? You're full of yourself"

"I know you love me too" his face changed back to the Jeremy I knew all to well.

"I did love you but you made me hate you little by little....... Don't touch me" I back up crossing my arms.

"Just leave me alone Jeremy" I walk out the room and down the halls back to the gym. By now I was crying and couldn't stop.

"Don't lie to yourself!" Jeremy says from behind me.

That's it I can't do this anymore.

"Fine you want to know the truth?  I will never loved you! The only thing I feel towards you is hate. I fucking hate you...... I love Harry" I angrily wipe my face with the back of my hand. He turned pale and and looked down.

I turn around to see Blake and Harry standing behind me. Harry had a shocked face. Oh no he's gonna think I'm moving to fast.

He looks at Jeremy and back at me.

He pulled me in his arms and kissed my head.

"I love you too Rileybear" I wrap my arm around him and squeeze tight. He loves me! He really does! I can't believe I found someone who loves me for me.

"We should go back" Blake cleared his throat. He kept his arm on my waist as we walk back.

I turn around to see Jeremy with a pain look.


"I think we need to buy you a better tv" Harry hits the side to get a better picture. He groan hitting it nonstop.

I get up and hit the top and the screen clears up. Harry laughed jumping on my bed.

"Please be dress" Josh says covering his eyes.

"We're not doing anything you doorknob" I say laughing.

He takes away his hand from his face. He had a serious look, whenever he had that look something was wrong.

"Riley um uh" he sighs look at his hands.

"There's someone to see you" great Jeremy found out where I live and won't take no for answer.


"Your parents"

"WHAT!" I yell getting up quickly. No no they're back. You think I should be happy they're back but they never loved me.

"I can't see them....I don't want to see them" I started pacing around the couch.

"Riley calm down" Harry said from the bed.

"What the bloody hell do you think I'm doing" I couldn't stop pacing. My heart was racing.

"Dude relax" Josh stops in front of me putting his hand on my shoulder.

"We will be there with you." I look into Josh eyes and they were relaxed. Okay Riley you can do it! After all they are your parents who left you when you were thirteen to pay bills.

"Alright" I waited for them to be behind me. We walk down the stairs and there they were standing in the entrance. I stop making them bump into me. I felt someone grabbing my hand. Harry squeezed it for comfort. I'm so glad he's here with me.

"Mom.... Dad" I stand in front of them. They looked the same nothing has changed. My mom stares at me with a blank expression like she always looked at me. My dad forced a smile just because there were people in the room.

"It's nice to see you Riley" my dad stern voice gave me goosebumps. They never abused me but they did emotional abuse.

"How you've been?"

"Fine" and it has began the awkward silence.

"We need to talk to you alone" my dad looked at Harry with disgust in his eyes.

"They stay" I said sternly looking at them with a blank look but deep down I was freaking out.

"Alright let's cut to the chase" there was my father i knew all too well.

"We need the money"

"What money?"  I looked at them confused. He rolled his eyes crossing his arms.

"The house money. We know you sold it now we need the money you got from it" of course that's what they want. They didn't come to see if I was alive.

"What the hell? You left her with the damn bills and mortgage and you really have the nerve to come back for the money!" Josh yelled at them. I've never seen him that mad since his mother cheated on Mr.Myles with some guy from work.

"Mind your own business" my dad yelled back getting a little closer to me.

Harry stepped in front of me facing my dad angry look.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"The boyfriend" Harry looked mad but he was still holding my hand.

"There's no money. I had to use the money to pay your debt"

"Your lying" my mom spoke up.

"You can go ask my lawyer....... But an advice for you he knows you left a minor alone" I looked into his cold brown eyes with a straight face.

"Come on honey lets go" my mom whispers to my dad grabbing his arm. He takes one last look at me and leaves. I didn't know I was holding my breath until I felt lightheaded.

"Oh my god Riley that look you gave your dad was scary!" Josh laughs hugging me.

"What about you? Yelling at my dad" he grins proudly.

"Proud of you Rileybear" I smile proudly hugging him.

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