Chapter 1~ Tony

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{Third Person POV}

Tony slammed the door of his room and held his back against it as a lock mechanism, loud booming footsteps echoed up the stairs of the Stark family mansion instilling fear into the teenager. Howard Stark, Tony's father, An abusive alcoholic asshole who treated his staff horribly, his late wife, Maria even more so and his son, Tony who was treated the worst.

Bang Bang Bang

"Open up the door you little fucker." Slurred words passed through the door, Tony pushed his back more up against the wall afraid that if he alleviated the pressure on the door, he'd have to find a way to the hospital.


The terrifying noises got louder causing Tony to shake. "Why God why?" The boy muttered beneath his breath. "Open the fucking door!" The man slurred in a heavier tone. "Get the fuck away from me!" The boy yelled. His father replied, "Watch your mouth you little shit. It's YOUR fault your mother is dead!"

The final comment tore the boy's heart to shreds. Tony blamed himself for his mother's death, he wasn't there to protect her when she needed him. Footsteps could be heard as Howard walked away from Tony's door.

The 16 year old drew his legs into his chest and hid his face from the world. Suddenly, he heard a light buzz come from his phone that was sitting on the floor.

{Tony's POV}

1 new message

Rhodes: Hey Tones, you all good? You weren't in school today.

I read the message and sighed, i looked in the mirror and saw my black eye from Sunday. I messaged back

Tony: Nah. I'm all good. Just didn't feel well this morning.

Rhodes: Since when has "not feeling well" made YOU not come into school on a day with three hours of engineering and two hours of physics?

Shit, he's got me there.

Tony: Fine, my dad got pissed again and decided to use me as his personal punch bag.

I felt a feeling of relief as i sent the message.

Rhodes: Tony, stay around my place tonight. You know you're always welcome.

Tony: Thanks but i think it's best not to piss off the beast anymore than he is already. Anyway, goodnight.

I put my phone in my pocket and ignored the buzz i got in reply. I sat in silence for a while, listening to every noise that came from downstairs. I looked at the walls of my room, there was white plaster which contrasted with the black wallpaper, the plaster was there to fill any holes that Howard had punched or kicked into the walls when he had been kind enough to not fucking attack me.

I looked at a small framed picture on the wall, it was a picture of my mother. I smiled at the memory of her, she was beautiful and kind, she didn't talk much though. Not around Howard anyway. "Are you in bed yet you little shit? Don't fucking piss me off anymore than i am or i swear on Maria's grave i'll fucking send you to hell along with her." His words barely affected me anymore, sure the mention of my mother burning in hell hurts but his beatings are too frequent to be threatened by.

"Goodnight you fucking bastard." I shouted through the door of my room i heard him grumble and walk away from the room. I turned off the bedroom light, barricaded the door so that he couldn't come and kill me in my sleep, i'd rather him do that when i'm wide awake.

I lay in bed staring up at the dark ceiling. "What the fuck do you do now? You fall asleep, you're haunted by nightmares. You stay awake, you're haunted by your fucking psychopathic father. Decisions decisions." I muttered so that HE couldn't hear me.

After about four hours of staring into the darkness, my body gave up and my eyelids drooped, sending me into a deep sleep.

So guys, this is the new story which i have been itching to write, i have had so many incredible ideas for this book and couldn't hold back from writing it for much longer. Also, this is a shorter chapter but it will only be this short for the introductions and then they will be longer as the story progresses. Hope you enjoy X

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