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     The door closes softly behind Jimin and Nicole as they leave Jungkook and I in their apartment. The twins are rolling around with Jungkook in their bedroom, careful not to notice that their parents just left.

     My heart pounds with joy. I love babysitting these goobers and I love, love, LOVE, my new job!

     Nicole and I, known as Emerald and Lapis to the music world, are becoming a big hit (>;)) with the media and general population.

     My apartment is two floors below hers, same model, same everything except color scheme and furnishings. Jungkook doesn't live with me thkugh, he stayed in his frat dorm at the college.

     "ALESKIS!" yells Seunni as she waddles as fast as her little legs can carry her. Seungri is behind her screeching with happiness. She puts her hands up and I pick her up as Jungkook turns the corner, crawling like a monster and growling.

     Seungri and Seunni both screech and Seunni pushes off of me to be let down. As soon as her feet hit the floor, she streaks with Seungri into the livingroom.

     As I watch them run around with Kook, I can't help but notice how old they're getting... They're almost two now anf my poor heart might burst...

     Splat! The ketchup bottle that was previously on the table smacks to the floor and the cap flies off. Little Seungri had climbed onto a diningroom chair and pushed it off.

     "Hey!" I scold and snatch him from the table. I give him a spanken and put him down.

     "No table unless its food time!" I say sternly. His lip pushes out and I almost hug him but NO he must be taught a lesson!!!

     I pout a little as I turn to the fridge and put away the ketchup.  After the mess is cleaned, I hear Seunni start whining. When I turn to look, she and Seungri are tugging on a toy. I look to Jungkook but he is fast asleep on ghe couch, a blue teddy bear clutched in his hand.

     I shake my head, he wore himself out... As the twins fight, I start making a couple of sandwoches so that I can feed them dinner and send them off to bed. Lookong at the xlock, I see that it is well past their bedtime... Whoops!

     The twins love peanut butter and jelly so thats exactly what I made them. A groan from the couch tells me that Kookie is awake do I make him one too.

     With everyone fed and haply, we lay the twins down to sleep. Usually this is a hard task, but Jungkook has them exhausted.

     He and I smile to each other after closing their bedroom door.  

     "You wore them out!" I say and lay my head on his chest ,"Good job."

     He chuckles ,"You're so cute."

     I look up at him and roll my eyes ,"You tell me this all the time..."

     His eyes flash ,"I'm not stopping until you believe me..!"

     He gives me a fat smooch and reaches around to squeeze my butt. I gasp and push him away playfully.

     "What are you doing!?" I squeal as quietly as possible.

     He smirks ,"Its been months since we last had fun. Why don't we start doing it more often?:

     Knowing how embarrassed  he tends to get, I play innocent ,"Do what?"

     He stops, caught off guard ,"What... What do you mean..?"

     "I mean, what do you want to do more often?"

     "It." The tips of his ears start turning red ,"Iiiiit."

     I chuckle ,"Alright, alright. Penis me please."

     His whole face turns tomato red but he takes my hand and leads me to the couch. He lays me down and kisses my temple.

     "I know that they have condoms around here somewhere...." And with that he walked off on a condom adventure, leaving me aching to be dicked down.

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