Vasovagal Syncope

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     The lights are so... bright. My head can barely lift off of the thin pillow-ish thing that it seems to be on.

     I close my eyes again.

     Drowsy... drowsy..? Where am I? Why doesn't the kitchen smell like breakfast anymore..?


     "Fuck!" I sit up quickly, my head heavilly jerking up ,"My eggs are getting cold, Jungkook!"

     I hear a rustle from my side as I take in my surroundings. Pale walls, beeping monitors, IV poking warily from my arm...


     I poke at the IV tiredly as whatever rustled grabs my arm. I jump and blink twice.

     Its Jungkook.

     His eyes are full of worry, lines from long ago dried tears. He stares at me menacingly...

     I should have told him...

     But its such a turnoff! Telling him about my heart disease would definitely keep him as limp as a piece of uncooked meat... Ugh.

     "Hi. Kookie." I chirp groggily.

     "Vasovagal Syncope? What the fuck?"

     I scratch at the back of my neck, the fabric of my hospital gown suddenly feeling itchy.  I let my body sink back into the semi-hard pillow and close my eyes. "I'm sorry..."

     He stands up and starts pacing  ,"How could you keep such vital information from me? This is serious, Alexis!"

     "But Jungkook..." I whine groggily ,"It's such a turnoff."

     His pacing stops and he looks over at me from his place at the foot of my bed ,"A-Alexis..."

     His mouth suddenly grins and he's laughing, huge tears rolling from his eyes before he comes to my side and sinks down burying his face into the mattress. Sobs are harshly muffled as his hands grip the sheet hard.

     "Alexis..." he sobs into the sheets ,"I honestly thought you were dead until the paramedics showed up."

     I giggled ,"You didn't bother to check my pulse or breathing?"

     He looked at me accusingly ,"Don't laugh! I was panicking!"

     I giggled more ,"Jungkook... I honestly thought you'd be more manly in this situation..!"

     He blushed and swatted at my thigh. "Shut up!"

     "You wanna snuggle me?" I asked suddenly, throwing my arms out.

     He complied quickly and pulled himself onto my bed. We cuddled closely, his breathing  slowly turning back to normal.


     Back home, Jungkook sits down on ghe couch and pats the space beside him. "Let's watch a movie and cuddle..?"

     I giggle ,"That sounds nice."

     That's really the end of my day as we got home quite late from the hospital. He refused to go home and I don't think I'd have it any other way...

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