Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Gallus' POV...

You know even though the School of Friendship isn't boring anymore since Headmare Twilight made the rules her own, I still struggle and sometimes fall asleep once or twice. Not because I'm bored, or anything, I just get stuck in these thought circles when I try to remember my notes and what we learned in time for tests.

Makes my head spin just thinking about it, heh.

But, that's why we have our Study Club, or Group, or whatever you'd wanna call it. Either way, we hang, we study, and we just have a good time in general. Even now as I'm trying not to think about my dumb dream last night, I'm still having a good time talking with my friends.

"Uh, so, which pony go to other world through magic mirror, again?" Yona, the only yak in Twilight's school, piped up.

Sandbar, our go-to creature about everything our teachers did before becoming, well, teachers, rolled his eyes.

"It was Twilight, remember? She went to the world of "Canterlot High" to get back her stolen crown from Sunset Shimmer." he answered.

Yona thought for a moment, I could tell because her olive green eyes shifted upwards, and her lower lip stuck out slightly, and the chin rub with her hoof was also a giveaway that she was running the answer through her head. Her head full of bushels of brown hair.

"Ah! Yak remember now! And Headmare Twilight make friends with Sunset, right?" she finally said.

Sandbar nodded, his layers of teal hair swishing along.

"Wait, wait, wait, if Twilight could make friends with Sunset after she... how did they put it? "Turned into a raging she-demon," then why couldn't she do the same with Cozy Glow or maybe Chrysalis?" Smolder, our only dragon, pointed out.

After exchanging some looks, everyone but me shook their heads and/or shrugged. I decided to say something since I've been admittedly quiet this whole time.

"Well, with Cozy, just think about it: She was at the school for a while, learning the same lessons as us. And yet, she still went crazy and only wanted power from "friends" as she put it." I stated.

Ocellus the Changeling made a quizzical face at me.

"So, basically you're saying that if she only learned she could gain power from friendship and didn't actually care about having friends for the real reasons some creature should have them, then she already failed her chance at seeing the error of her ways?"

Her shiny eyes blinked once, and I simply nodded. I mean, it made sense right? She was here for a while and learned nothing about real friendship, only that she could gain power by having them. If she couldn't even be taught from that point, why would Twilight try and befriend her like she did with that Sunset pony or Guidance Counselor Starlight?

Silverstream scratched her head in thought.

"Huh, yeah, that does make sense! Guess some creatures just can't be taught, or maybe they don't want to learn?" my friend in pink concluded.

Smolder nodded, and I did too. Silv may be an airhead sometimes and even a bit naive, but she can figure things out too. Things that most of us wouldn't. After all, she knew Sandbar didn't abandon us for real when Neighsay chained us up, and was just trying to help by tricking him into letting Sandbar go.

"Yup, that's called being selfish and arrogant. And I should know what those words mean, I come from a land of greedy, but slowly improving, dragons." Smolder explained.

"Emphasis on "slowly." she added.

Ocellus laughed her tiny laugh.

Silverstream eyed me and then she raised her claw and waved it around frantically.

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