Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Warning: This chapter contains panic/anxiety attacks and severe claustrophobia. Viewer discretion is advised...

School hours were over, and so it was time for the students to either retire to their quarters, study in the library section until it was closed for the day, or something else of that nature. The Young Six usually held study club after classes, but Gallus and Silverstream chose to opt out so they could work on Silverstream's essay.

They reached Gallus' room in the student's quarters, where Silverstream immediately found her spot on his bed. She bounced on the mattress a little, giggling like a child at how bouncy it was. Gallus smirked a little at her childish mannerisms, finding amusement in them. That was always something he liked about Silverstream: She was always so happy and naive, like a child.

Well, technically she was still young, as was he, but her behavior mimicked that of a much younger creature.

"Okay, let's get started! You ready, Gallus?" Silverstream asked.

Her friend in blue nodded, pulling up a cushion to sit on.

"Alrighty, so, I guess my first question is: Why are you so afraid of small spaces?"

Gallus' blue eyes shrunk a little. He wasn't expecting her to immediately jump into a question like that. He didn't really know how to answer this one, either. He didn't really have a backstory of any sort of incident where he developed claustrophobia.

He peeked up at Silverstream, her blue-violet eyes shimmering with curiosity and eagerness. Taking in a breath, he finally answered.

"To be honest, I don't know. I've just kinda... always been bothered by small or enclosed spaces. Big crowds, tight spaces, all of those are just uncomfortable."

Silverstream took note of this, quite literally as she jotted down the paraphrased version of his words into her notebook. She liked taking notes and organizing her thoughts before writing an essay or paragraph since Ocellus taught her that that technique really works wonders.

"Hm, okay! Anything else you can tell me in particular about it?" the pink hippogriff continued.

Gallus rubbed his chin for a moment.

"You're... the only creature that knows about it, I guess." he said.

"Really? You didn't tell our other friends yet? Why?!" Silverstream asked in surprise.

Gallus averted his eyes and shrugged.

"I dunno, I just didn't see any... reason for it to be a widespread fact. I only really told it to you to help you feel better about facing your fear of the Storm King. Not to mention I... trust you, Silv." he explained.

Silverstream felt her heart skip a beat. Something about the way Gallus said he trusted her felt weird. Good weird, but weird nonetheless. But she sort of understood why he wouldn't tell their friends about his worst fear; it's not that he didn't trust them too, but it wasn't really important to talk about at any given point. It's not like you just start a conversation with: "Oh hey, guess what? I have claustrophobia, haha!"

Silverstream decided to write this note as "kept confidential for a reason."

30 minutes later...

It was well past time for the two students to turn in for the night, and Headmare Twilight and Professor Rainbow Dash were making their rounds in the students' quarters, to make sure they were safe and tucked in for the night.

Twilight knocked on the door to Gallus' room, announcing herself.

"Gallus, it's Headmare Twilight, may I come in?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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