Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Silverstream's POV...

Hiya, I'm Silverstream! But, uh, maybe you already know that? Ooh, Professor Pinkie Pie is right, narrating is fun! I'm a hippogriff, but sometimes I can turn into a seapony because of the necklace I have. It has a piece of a magic pearl on it, and that makes it possible for me to change back and forth.

I'm just in my second to last class of the day, which is Professor Applejack's honesty class. It's my second favourite class, probably because I love speaking my mind, and honesty is pretty much like that!

"Alright, ya'll, for tonight's homework I want you to write one paragraph on a subject you have trouble talking about. Since it's healthy to be honest with yer feelings, this will help make it easier to talk about those things." Professor Applejack explained.

Her voice is always so confident and loud sounding, and she always tells the truth, too! I hope someday I can be like her, and like Professor Rarity, and all my teachers! And maybe one day, I'll be able to teach at this school when I'm older! Eek! That would be so awesome!

The bell rang, and that meant it was time for my last class of the day: Professor Rainbow Dash's loyalty class. I looked around and saw other students pick up their books and stuff to get to their next classes.

I saw Applejack head to her desk by the apple tree in our classroom. I feel like I should talk to her about something real quick before I head to my last class.

I trotted up to her desk where she was sitting, and about to take a bite of her apple. She saw me and gave a friendly smile.

"Hey, there, Silverstream, what can I do for ya?" she asked me.

"Um, I was just wondering, Professor Applejack, does the paragraph have to be about a problem of mine?" I asked back.

Applejack gave me a quizzical look.

"Why? Is there some pony else you have in mind?"

I nodded my head.

"Well not some pony, but rather some creature. See, I don't really have any problems that I can think of that aren't easy to talk about." I explained. "I'm pretty much an open book."

The professor rubbed her chin with her hoof thoughtfully. I guess she was deciding what I should do, or maybe she'll give me the okay to write my paragraph on Gallus and his claustrophobia.

"Well... I guess I don't see any harm in it. Just make sure you get their permission to write about them first, ya hear?" Applejack said.

I smiled really big, so much that my cheeks were sore. I thanked her really fast and flew away to my final class for today. Ooh! I made a rhyme!

I saw some students just getting to their next classes in the halls, and wouldn't ya know it, one of them happened to be Gallus! Haha, he did always show up to his classes last minute, at least that's what the others who have class with him told me

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I saw some students just getting to their next classes in the halls, and wouldn't ya know it, one of them happened to be Gallus! Haha, he did always show up to his classes last minute, at least that's what the others who have class with him told me. I only have one class with him, and that's Professor Twilight's Equestrian History class, and usually he's on time for that one.

"Gallus! Gallus, wait!" I called out.

It got his attention, so I zoomed over to him.

"Silverstream?" he said to me.

I nodded eagerly, setting myself back on the ground. I have this tendency to hover a few inches off the ground when I'm super happy.

"Gallus, hi! Uh, so, quick question: I'm doing a report for Professor Applejack's honesty class, and I was kinda wondering if I could do it on you?"

He seemed a little confused, but also kinda interested in my question.

"Uh, why me? And what would you be saying in your report?"

"Well, you see: The project is about being honest with something you have a hard time talking about. Me? I don't really have that, but I know you do!"

Gallus gave me this look, like, a look where one of your eyebrows goes down and the other stays up.

"You mean my... fear of small spaces?" he inquired.

I nodded shyly.

"I-If it's okay with you, I'd like to sort of interview you for my project, so I can understand it better. Is that okay?"

Gallus did his thinking face. He scratched the back of his head and made little thinking noises like hums and breathing in and out. I was really afraid he'd say no, so I gave him a big smile, hoping to get on his good side about letting me do it.

 I was really afraid he'd say no, so I gave him a big smile, hoping to get on his good side about letting me do it

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He looked at me and even blushed a pink colour. Wow, I must have been really getting to him if he was blushing like that. It was actually pretty cute to see him get all blushy like that, tee-hee!

"All right! Just stop with the puppy eyes, already, Silv..." he sighed out.

His blue feathers were really ruffled up, he was nervous and I could tell. So, I put away my cute face and giggled with glee. I squeezed him into a hug before thanking him and flying off to my next class.

 I squeezed him into a hug before thanking him and flying off to my next class

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Didn't wanna be too late, after all!

Done with that! Oh my gurd, this is getting great!!!

Oh but don't you worry angst lovers, we'll get to the good stuff very soon... Hehe, I'm evil!


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