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HOLY SHIT!!! Alvarez

Nothing good like a hot cup of coffee in the morning and a good scoop to go by about Terry Jones

What the hell!! .... how did this even happen....this is so unbelievable

My date with Michael today is going to be extraordinary, I have Skylar to thank for, she's given me pretty good tips to start with, the school was a buzz in the corridors as always, only this time there was gossip and loud giggling, as soon as I got to my locker and grabbed my books, I noticed Terry Jones walking towards me like a wrecking ball

Me or somebody behind me

Yep, it was definitely me after she shoved the newspaper right in front of my face, I stepped back and snatched the paper from her

"What's this??" I asked
"Why don't you take a look at it"  she was so furious

I thought she was jealous I was hanging out with Skylar, Skylar did mention that she asked her about it over the phone and she said that we were paired up in an assignment and nothing more

I didn't mind that she had to lie about why we are hanging out together, it was inevitable

I took a look at the place she circled with a red marker, a small article at the end of the paper, the headline that spoke about her


The article said she cheated in the annuals, there was even an eye witness with quotation marks, saying she saw everything that took place that night when she sneaked in to the academic office and stole the papers

The eyewitness

Was ME

my eyes bulged out

I ran my eyes to the end of the article, it was written by 'anonymous'

"Okay, I don't know what the hell is this and I certainly have no idea... I'm not one to sit and give a tip on gossip school newspapers , you know that"

"Oh now you don't??... what is it you want from me you lying thief" Terry screeched
"And what am I supposed to have stolen from you??"
"First... it's Skylar...now this...is your life so ruined you can't help but ruin other's lives as well??"

"Don't you dare speak to me like that" I said through gritted teeth

"Oh yeah?  And You have the right to parade into people's lives like the ice princess that you claim you are??"

By now the hall was crowded with people, everyone was concentrating on us

"Look, I didn't do anything like it, I don't know how and where but you are the editor, you find out who did that shit but get me out of your stupid games... I am not interested"
"Of course you are not, nothing in your life is interesting no more, your own mother doesn't seem to be interest in you nor  your father in that matter"

My heart stopped and so did my breathing, i stood rigid, staring at her, my eyes stinging and my nostrils flaring

My eyes moved over Terry's shoulder and saw Skylar, her eyes wide, her mouth parted slowly into a minor O

I looked at Terry and closed the space between us, she was shaking but i was rumbling, my hand forcefully connected with her cheek

I slapped her so hard across the face her head would have bounced off her neck

"You told her.." i said above a whisper

While looking directly at Skylar, Terry was holding her cheek and looking at me like some kind of python

"Look Cassie... i can explain, i ...well ... i told her because...can we not talk about this here, right now"

Part of me ached, every part of me was in agony, my subconscious started sneering and telling  me what i have always feared inside my heart

That i can never really rely on anyone, nor trust anyone, they would always betray me somehow, they always do

"Yeah i guessed so" i said through gritted teeth, my anger getting the best of me

Skylar stammered her way through trying to explain it, Terry still looked at me with fear in her wide eyes and some certain recognition that she had definitely crossed a line

"Did your best friend also tell you that she's been screwing your boy friend??" I said, turning towards Terry

Her body went rigid

"What!"  She gasped

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