Part 7 - The Truth Comes Out?!

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I woke to find Jay was gone from the sofa. I looked around the flat and discovered that he was nowhere to be seen. I guess I didn't expect anything less from the one and only Jay McGuiness. Used to him telling me lies, but this is just taking things to a new extreme.

I poured myself a cup of tea and then sat down on the sofa. I put Jermemy Kyle on; loved watching this programme always put a smile on my face as it reminded me there were people out there having a much worse life than I was. I was just about to take a sip of my tea when someone posted something through my letterbox. I walked over and picked it up, opening my door to see who had posted it; but there was noone there. The only thing which greeted me was the cold morning breeze and the sun which hadn't quite risen yet. I closed the door and read what the note said.


You desrve to know the truth about Jay. He doesn't love you anymore, the only reason he came back last night was because he felt bad. In the past three months, he's slept with six different women...I'm sorry.

From Someone Who Cares x

I was so angry. So hurt. So upset. How could he do this to me? I thought he loved me, I thought he ws actually hurting because he missed me and I thought we were going to make this work. I feel like such an idiot. He never really loved me or cared about me. He was only thinking about himself when he came back here last night. I hate him so much right now! I don't care if he comes back, for all I care he could be dead...that's how much I hate him right now!

I held the note in my hand and the tears just fell from my eyes. Splashing up at me as the hit the piece of paper I was still holding tightly in my hand. I didn't even know that Jay was back until I felt his arm around my shoulder. How dare he do that after what he's been doing for the past three months?!

"GET OFF ME JAY!" I screamed at him, as I stood up to avoid him touching me again.

"Calm down babe. What's wrong?" he asked. How can he even act like he's done nothing wrong.


"Em, I've always loved you and I still do. What's happened?"

"WHAT'S THE REAL REASON YOU CAME BACK LAST NIGHT? DID YOU REALLY MISS ME OR DID YOU JUST FEEL GUILTY?!" I shouted at him, backing away from him as he walked closer to me so he could try and calm me down. I didn't want him to touch me. I hated him so much right now.

"No, I really did miss you. Why would I have to feel guilty?"

"You cheated on me with SIX different women. How could you do that to me?" I asked. I had given up shouting, instead the tears were just rolling down my cheeks and I couldn't stop myself from crying.

"How do you know about that?"

"Someone put this through my letterbox this morning!" I replied, throwing the piece of paper at him and then said, "now answer my question. How could you do that to me?"

"Babe, I really am sorry. I don't know why I did it, I guess I just missed you so much I thought they would fill the gap. But they just made me miss you even more..." he said, as he sat down on the edge of the sofa with his head in his hands.

"If you missed me that much then you could have text or phoned me..."

"I know I could have done but-"

"Look, I don't want to hear your excuses right now. I'm going to get dressed and when I come back, I don't want you in my flat..." I said and with that I walked off to the bedroom to get myself dressed and to make myself look respectable. I still had to face work that afternoon.


I feel so foolish...she's right. If I missed her that much then I should have just phoned or text. Not slept with six different woment in an attempt to fill the hole I had. But there were only four people that knew I had cheated...and they were the four people I was in the band with. I had to find out which one of them had told Emma. I was going to tell her, but I was going to tell her when I was ready and not when someone I thought was my friend decided it was the time.

I screwed the note up and threw it on the floor as I walked out of the flat. I guess if I lose her then I have noone but myself to blame for that...

I Was Lost, Til I Found You! [Jay McGuiness]Where stories live. Discover now