Chapter 7

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Dressed fashionably sexy in Brea and Trina's newly bought outfit, I was nervous as I knocked on Martin's door.

Martin's eyes widened as he appeared to be surprised that I could look equally sexy with more clothes on than the swimsuit he'd seen me in earlier in the day.

With Brea having been on the case, I knew that I looked good in the red top that draped low between my breasts. The bottom of my top was short enough to make my navel visible and show-off my stomach. And the black stretchy-jeans highlighted my curves.

"Hello, Jazmyn," Martin said with a smile as he invited me in.

"Jazmyn, I'd like you to meet Joseph Myers," Martin introduced me to the man that I assumed was from the record company.

Joseph stood up out of courtesy and shook my hand as we exchanged greetings.

"And, you remember Kelli from the shoot," Martin continued making reference to the white girl that was seated by the table.

I did remember seeing the very busty white-girl at the video shoot, but I never actually knew her name.

She half-hearted smiled a hello and I gave her the same lifeless smile back.

"Have a seat. Make yourself comfortable. We're just having a drink, would you like one?" asked Joseph, offering me a glass of 1989 Louis Roederer Cristal champagne.

"No. I'm cool," I responded, wondering when I would get the chance to sing.

Other than in music videos, it was my first time actually seeing a bottle of the very expensive $1,000-per-bottle vintage bubbly.

Joseph was handsome for a white man in his early 40's. He had a look that seemed to have been recently converted from a preppy-style. While the clothes he wore may've been of a casual nature, I could tell by the quality of the material that they weren't bought off-the- rack.

Joseph was obviously very intelligent judging by his mannerisms, speech and the way Martin seemed to have the utmost respect.

I was feeling a little uncomfortable as I sat quietly on the bed watching videos on the television as Joseph and Martin talked about all sorts of industry stuff. Kelli wasn't saying anything either as she sat very close to Martin.

Their conversations were filled with laughs and intriguing stories. Often, I'd hear them nonchalantly throwing around statements regarding music deals with dollar figures of 6 and 7-digits.

When Joseph went to the bathroom, I waved Martin over to me. "What's up?" he said sitting next to me on the bed.

"When am I gonna sing for Joseph?" I questioned.

"Relax. I'll bring the subject up soon. You can't seem too anxious, alright?" he assured me.

I stared hard over Martin's shoulder at the nosey big-tittied Kelli who was trying to eaves- drop on our conversation.

I wondered why she was even in the room. She didn't appear to have any talent. If she did, it sure wasn't dancing, judging by her performance at the video shoot.

The longer I waited to sing, the more nervous I got thinking about the importance of the moment. Despite the risk a drink might have on my voice, I decided to have a glass of champagne.

Once Joseph returned to the table and Martin had transitioned the conversation to that of new talent, I got my chance to sing the Alicia Keys song.

The drink I'd had calmed my nerves and I sung it the best I ever had. The jealous look Kelli had on her face fueled my confidence that much more as I belted out notes I didn't even know that I could do.

WILD THANGZ by Winston Chapman (An Essence Magazine National Best Seller)Where stories live. Discover now