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A/N: For those who have been waiting for Optimus to go protective grandpa on Galloway. You're welcome. :)



Looming Darkness

"That was supremely uncalled for."

Trevor couldn't help but smirk at Galloway's aggravated reaction to Optimus hiring Morshower. The man looked mid-way between a conniption, and just flat out screaming at Optimus. Not that Trevor felt even a slimmer of sympathy for the man's loss of his second job. Galloway hadn't even gotten the news until it became official early the next morning. And as a result, Bumblebee was also there to watch the man's reaction. Yet, as usual, Optimus handled the situation calmly, as odd as it may have been. "We believed it to be in everyone's best interest, Mr. Galloway," Optimus spoke, his voice calm. "It is in no way personal."

"Like hell it's not personal," Galloway spat. "It's because I don't subscribe to being all sweet and sympathetic to the urchin you brought in, right?" He asked, his voice loud and angry. "You don't care about professionalism, only that you and your freaky little "family" is treated like royalty," Trevor grimaced a bit. "I got news for you, even with your annoying "grandkid"'s condition, I don't give respect to people who don't earn it."

Optimus seemed to stand there for a long moment, the air filled with tension. Trevor looked to Bumblebee, who looked ready to step forward and make a comment. But the Prime quickly beat him to it. "I see no "condition" worth pitying that you speak of," Optimus told him, straining to keep himself calm. "Trevor is a very healthy, and well functioning human being." He explained.

"You don't see the hunk of metal he uses for a leg? Or how slow he can be on the uptake?" Galloway asked with a snort. "Don't tell me you're daft. That's the only reason anyone here even puts up with him. They're just too scared to say it," He then added. "But he's not even the problem here, you are. With your uptight attitude, and rules. And your holier-than-thou way of talking down to me."

"Comment on my flaws if you must," Optimus replied. "But I politely ask that you take back the cold things you have said about Trevor," He added, his optics flashing somewhat with anger. "Trevor cannot help what disabilities he was born with. Just like you cannot help whatever you were clearly born with," Galloway's mouth gaped open a bit.

"I wasn't born with anything," Galloway snapped back. "Because I'm "normal", do you even have a concept of that?" He questioned, barely noticing the way Optimus clenched his fists. "Of course not, nothing about you people is normal. Between the freaky transformation thing you have going on, and your one-legged gimp of a mascot-." He added.

"I'd chose my next words very wisely, Mr. Galloway," Optimus warned.

"Why? Did I hurt your feelings?" Galloway snapped. "Are you machines even capable of feeling?"

He nearly wet himself when a fist slammed against the floor, and Optimus crouched, bringing himself face-to-face with Galloway. For a moment, Trevor wondered what exactly Optimus was going to do or say, but he didn't need to wait long. "I have more feeling in my little finger than you do in your entire body," Optimus told him, his voice dangerously low. "Which means I feel anger the same as any other sentient being may," He approached him slowly.


"Your insulting of my men will end Galloway," Optimus told him, his voice growing angrier now as he poked the man's chest with a finger. "And your derogatory and otherwise disgusting comments towards my grandcreation will as well," He then added. "I have made a vow not to harm humans, and therefore I will not. But if you continue down this road, I may cease seeing you as anything human."

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