Part 5 (Meet the new girls)

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"Chapter 1"

Today is Wednesday

|Part 5|

Junenie, April,Shonnie, Tanisha , Asia and Engel

Junenies POV

"Now I was gonna introduce y'all to the new girls but they wanted to tell y'all themselves. "

Shonnie's POV

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Shonnie's POV

"What's poppin y'all so I'm Shonnie Rivers I'm from New York well Bronx New york and I'm 23 years old. I started modeling when I was eighteen I was fresh out of high school but all that changed when I got knocked up. I have a son and he's one years old he'll be two August 15. I gave up my modeling for my son, so here I am working in a salon.I was chilling one day and saw a beauty shop that said beauty bar they needed help. Plus I always knew how to do hair and nails but I wanted better for myself. So I'm in college now well actually been. I wanna be an AR like cookie on Empire yeah about it with me"

 I wanna be an AR like cookie on Empire yeah about it with me"

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Tanisha's POV

"So I'm Tanisha and I don't mix good with people but I have a kind heart I also have a son. I was doing good but I fall in love well I thought I was. Sike me and my baby daddy was in love but he died in bad car accident when our son was two. I do sing but I don't wanna famous I just moved well me and my son just here in the ATL from Connecticut. Me and my son Jerry was homeless for a while. I'll get in detail another time. But God always had our back so one day I was playing Bingo and I won 1,000,000 dollars. So now I'm here, have a roof over my son head and a car to get us around. I saw a flyer saying a new shop opened up and needed help so I called the number and got the job no problem. I don't do hair though I do the nails like the pedicures and all that."

April's POV

"So hey guys I been in this dance center for a good minute lowkey crying because my dreams are coming true. My very own dance center. Now most dance centers charge alot of money but me I won't. Of course I have to make money but that's why I'm gonna do fundraisers for my dancers.  Like a dance competition for fun but we all get paid I get half and they get some. The money I get I can save to buy them outfits for dance competitions and etc. Instead of their parents paying for their kids to come here because not everyone has it like that. I believe that'll work because I'm gonna be holding alot of auditions soon and once I see their worth I know others will too. I'm looking for the ages of starting at five and ending with fourteen. But if older kids do audition and they do great they will be part of the team. The name of my dance center will be called Promise meaning that you have promise no matter what anyone says. But before I go and handle some things for my dance Center I wanna show y'all how it looks and I'll see y'all later. "

~One hour later

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~One hour later

Engel's POV

"Wassup y'all so I been up this morning since six O clock because my baby girl was crying in her room. Now Yana shakira Ramirez is sick. Hell I might be sick too but she was throwing up said her tummy hurts and I gotta do my daddy duties. I took her to the emergency room then I called her mom ofc and she came like she's supposed too. But the doctor took mad long to see us so I got up and asked like yo what's up my baby girl over there hunched up like what's going on the nurse said sit down and I was finna tell her to su** but before I could Asia pulled me away and said calm down if she calls the cops your done I can't have that and neither can Yana. Yeah y'all I'm an undocumented immigrant I know this so risky but Yana is a daddy's girl. If it was just her and her mom she would literally throw a fit. "

~40 minutes later

Asia's POV

"So the doctor ended up calling us back five minutes after Engel got in one of the nurses face and the doctor said her daughter has the stomach bug and I began to get a little sentimental because our baby girl could leave us and Engel grabbed unto my hands and he said it's gonna be fine God has our back. I'm not really a God person I mean I pray but not as much as Engel does. Now the doctor said it's not bad because we caught it early but it can get worse if she doesn't rest. So he prescribed us with some medince we can get from Walgreens and said make sure she takes her medince and only feed her chicken noodle soup. She should be done with the medicine in a week so that's when she'll come back for a checkup and we'll take it from there said the doctor. So next Tuesday at eight am good or 10 am? He asked us and Engel normally has her so he said early as possible eight am next Tuesday is great sir thank you so much."

"Y'all can I have a moment real fast. I love this boy but we just wasn't the right fit and when I found out I was pregnant I thought Engel would marry me like he said he'd would. But that was when we was together I guess that dream is dead. I act tough like there isn't love for him in my heart but there is. Seeing how good he is with my Yana makes me feel good and blessed. Me and Yana are close but not like her and her father. That's only because after I had her I went to jail. I was in jail for about a year but I was mixed in with the wrong crowd and I started smoking weed and drinking. This was after I had Yana and about a month later I got arrested for possession of Weed , had a liquor on my breathe, was speeding and I had a gun. Engel was messing around with this girl named Ariana and we wasn't together but I was jealous so I was gonna kill her. That's why me and Yana are not as close as she is with her father. How am I gonna work with my sister if I have a record I don't know but it's risk I'm willing to take because it's a good business every girl needs their hair done. "

"See y'all in the next part"

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