First Kiss

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[Fun fact Historical John bought Historical Alex a horse because the horse was reddish-brown and it reminded him of Alex's red hair]

"Laurens! Laurens!" Alex called to John as he spurred his horse forward, trying to catch up with the irritatingly brisk pace at which his friend walked.

John turned around, his eyes lighting up when he saw Alex and his horse galloping towards him through the crowded city street.

"Alex!" John said, stepping forward as Alex brought his horse to a stop a few feet in front of him.

John laughed as he patted the horse's head, scrambling its reddish-brown mane.

He remembered the first time he'd seen this horse. He'd been enamored by its beauty, for the horse was an incredibly fine breed, strong and sturdy with a heart of wildfire. The russet tones of it had instantly reminded him of Alex.

John remembered the way Alex's eyes had lit up with joy when he'd gifted it to him. Remembered the way Alex had laughed giddily and thrown his arms around John. Remembered the way Alex had kissed both his cheeks in thanks.

"Would you like to ride with me?" Alex asked, holding out his hand to help John onto the horse.

"Alex, you know I don't have time for a ride. I'm incredibly busy and find myself trapped in the conundrum of having a surplus of tasks to complete and very little time in which to complete them."

"Aww... please? Not just one little ride? For me?" Alex said, batting his long eyelashes and making a mock pouty-face.

"Alex, you know I have so much work to do. Maybe some other time?"

"Please, John? For me?"

John sighed. He couldn't say no to Alex, couldn't resist those beautiful blue eyes and handsome smile and adorable laugh.

"Fine. But do make it quick. I have a lot of work to do and I do not think 'I went horseback riding with my best friend' is a good enough excuse to not have it done."

Alex laughed. "Alexander Hamilton is always a good excuse, my dearest Laurens."

"You know I love it when you call me that." John said as he took Alex's hand and climbed into the saddle behind him.

"Yes, I do." Alex said as John wrapped his arms around Alex's waist to secure himself in the saddle.

Alex spurred his horse forward and they raced through the city streets. John leaned forward and rested his head on Alex's shoulder, enjoying the closeness to the beautiful man in front of him.

John loved riding horses. Loved the feeling of the wind in his hair, loved the rush of adrenaline and the feeling that he was invincible, that he was flying and nothing could stop him and he was on top of the world.

But most of all, he loved riding horses with Alex. Sitting in the saddle with Alex allowed him to be closer to him than society usually permitted him to get. In the years they had known each other, it had become increasingly clear that the two men liked each other as more than friends, that Alex enjoyed this closeness as much as John did. This kind of thing was forbidden, so the two men were unable to openly express these feelings for one another. People knew that they were close friends, but John shuddered when he imagined what they would do to them if they found out that their affections went deeper than friendship.

Eventually, they had left the crowded city streets behind and were now galloping down a quiet country road. Alex slowed his horse to a slow trot. Once he was sure that nobody could see them, John pressed his cheek against Alex's, nuzzling against him like a cat.

Alex laughed and planted a kiss on John's forehead. John could feel himself turning red as he pulled away.

"I've missed this, John."

"So have I, Alex."

"I love you, John." Alex said, releasing one hand from the reins and gripping John's hand tightly.

"I love you too, Alex." John sighed dejectedly and pressed his cheek against Alex's again. "I wish I could kiss you, Alex."

"So do I, John. So do I."

Alex looked around. The road was deserted. There was nobody in sight.

Alex stopped the horse and climbed out of the saddle. He extended his hand to John to help him climb down.

"Where are we going, Alex?"

"Just trust me."

John followed Alex until they were standing behind a tree, an ancient giant that even Manhattan's grandest
building was dwarfed in comparison.

"Kiss me, John Laurens."

John was stunned. "W-What?"

"You heard me. Kiss me."

John was terrified. It was strange, how he had loved Alex for so long yet they had never kissed. But when two men were in love, things were different. They couldn't freely express their affection, couldn't let anyone know how they felt about each other.

"Alex, what if someone sees us?"

"Nobody's been down this road in years. Nobody will see us."

"You planned this, didn't you. You came here on purpose."

"Perhaps I did."

John took a hesitant step forward. Alex wrapped his arms around John's waist, pulling him so close that their noses were almost touching. John could feel how badly Alex's hands were shaking. Though he would never admit it, he was just as terrified as John was. Perhaps even more.

"I love you, Alexander Hamilton."

"I love you too, John Laurens."

Alex leaned forward and put his mouth on John's.

John felt like he was flying. He kissed Alex back, summoning all of his hunger and passion and frustration into the kiss. All those years of longing to kiss him, all those nights lying awake imagining what it would be like to kiss him, it all came flooding in like a tidal wave.

He wanted more. He grabbed the front of Alex's shirt and pinned him against a tree, kissing along his jawline and down to his neck.

He wanted-


John pulled away and looked up. Both he and Alex were breathing heavily.

"John, w-we can't. Not here. Not now."

John couldn't hide the disappointment on his face as Alex readjusted his shirt.

"I know, John. I know. But... we can't." Alex took John's hand and pressed it against his lips.

"I wish we could, Alex. I wish we could." 

"So do I, my dearest Laurens. So do I."

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