Chapter 11

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Dove's Point of View

My body hurt. My mouth was dry and frankly, I felt like complete shit.

When I returned from my dreamscape Nightmare was fuming. We got into an argument about me having contact with my sister and when I told him that my relationship with Raven wasn't like his relationship with Dream, Nightmare slapped me. Hard. I didn't even think twice about my next actions. I turned away from the livid skeleton and started packing my stuff. I wouldn't answer any of his questions either, which just made him angrier. He roughly grabbed my arm with one of his tentacles and pulled me down to the dungeon, where I am currently chained. He had Cross and Dust stationed to watch me again and when Cross found out that Nightmare was extremely weak from my positivity in his castle... Well, let's just say these cuts on my skin had to come from somewhere. CC and Papy kept me company again. I could tell they were worried about me and my weak smiles weren't helping.

I don't know how long I was in that cell before all hell broke loose. I didn't know what was going on but both CC and Papy left to check. Papyrus looked scared. "The Star Sanses are here."

I could feel my eyes widen. "What!? No! They're going to get hurt!" Frantically, I struggled against my restraints but all I managed to do was just make noise. I heard Blueberry call out to the others.

"She's in here!" A few seconds after, I saw the trio of skeletons at my cell door. They each had their scrapes and bruises but otherwise, they looked okay. Dream seemed to be on the weaker side compared to the other two. Ink patted Dream on the back.

"Work on opening the door and getting her out. Blue and I will watch your-"

"Watch out!" I cut off the Creator, warning him of Cross' surprise attack. Ink took out his paint brush and blocked the comically large blade that came at him. Blueberry threw a sharpened bone at Cross, which missed and nicked Dust in the arm.

"Tch, you're gonna pay for that." Dust's eyes flared with magic and insanity. The two pairs of skeletons started battling but, based off of the commotion I heard upstairs, soon the Star Sanses would be outnumbered two to one.

"How are you surviving here? This place is the epitome of negativity." Dream picked the lock of the cell and made his way to me. I knew he was weaker by the way he carried himself. He wanted to seem strong but the negative miasma was eating away at his magick. The gold clad skeleton started picking the locks on my chains.

"Raven gave me the golden apple from the Tree of Feelings in Dreamtale. I don't know how you two got your hands in something like that but it's magick is really helping me."

"We have the galaxy apple as well." I muttered, looking down. I felt Dream pause what he was doing and stare at me. "It's why Nightmare took me." Tears stung my eyes and my heart ached at that truth. I felt Dream remove my shackles and take my hand. His other hand caressed my cheek.

"Listen, I know it hurts right now but you have to stay positive. The entire time you were gone all Raven could talk about was how positive you were whenever something bad happened. She said your smile was the light in the darkness." Dream's smile was gentle and warm. It was the complete opposite of his brother's smile, or at least the opposite of his brother's corrupted smile. There was a strange warmth between my breasts, where the necklace rested.

"There's something I need to grab. Can you teleport like the other Sanses?" Dream nodded and pulled me into a hug.

"Meet you back at the rendezvous point!" The Protector of Positivity called out to his team mates, who were each engaged in fierce combat.

"Got it!" Ink called out, sending a counter attack towards Cross. Blue just nodded, sending waves of attacks at Dust. Just as Dream and I teleported to another section of the castle, the rest of Nightmare's team joined the fray. I heard Ink yell at Blue to fall back and then silence. Dream and I were in outside of my room.

"How'd you know where I stayed?" I felt the need to whisper as I opened the door.

"Left over traces of your positivity." He locked the door behind us. "Get what you need and let's go. Its dangerous for me to be here any longer." I nodded at the skeleton and grabbed the book and note from underneath my bed, careful not to disturb my wounds. As soon as Dream saw the book, his eye sockets widened with recognition.

"How did you-"

"Let's get out now and then I'll answer your questions." He nodded and wrapped his arms around me gently. There was banging on the bedroom door and the last thing I saw was an angry Nightmare breaking down my door. His look said it all. He was going to come for me again and he would never stop looking, no matter the cost.


Nightmare's Point of View

She was gone. That damned girl ran out with my brother and the Star Sanses. I felt myself smile calmly, despite the rage I felt inside. Luckily, the enemy did little to injure my allies. I snapped my fingers. "Cross."

"Yes, senpai~?" I grimaced at the nickname and backhanded the skeleton. The others stayed quiet. They knew better than to interfere.

"Did you really think you could get away with slicing up Dove's alabaster skin?" My tone was cold, commanding. I could see Cross' bones shiver at the sound of it. "There's no way you could've hidden her screams."

I glanced at the chunks of shattered wood on the floor. "Someone clean this up and replace the damn door." I turned to leave but something caught my eye. An unfamiliar slip of paper. Picking it up, I skimmed through it's contents. I felt my cheek bones pull up to a smirk. "Get into contact with Error, as well." I turned around and walked out of the door. "We have a prophecy to fulfill."

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