Meeting Him Again

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Leisl's POV

There was this time when in Ateneo 'bout 2 months ago, I became sick because of hyper-acidity. I was hurling inside the girls bathroom and was asked to go to the clinic. The clinic recommended that I should go home and rest first so Gabriel volunteered to drive me home since he had his car with him. To be completely honest, I really got dizzy in his car due to his driving skills. When we arrived our condo, my brother was calling my phone and Gabriel happened to be the one who answered it since I was busy hurling inside the bathroom. My brother's a doctor so he asked Gabriel to buy medicine and other liquids that he required me to drink since my brother still cannot go home because he was still on duty.

Due to that, my brother invited him to go to his 28th birthday party in Peninsula Manila Hotel. I really don't get my brother, he didn't allow me to invite even one girl friend but he insisted on inviting Gabriel. I already handed him the invitation but he told me that he wasn't sure if he can come.

I'm now in the car on the way there, wearing a simple black gown with diamond necklace and earrings. It was the first time that my brother held a formal party like this so I'm actually still wondering why he did this and at the same time wondering if Gabriel would actually come or not.

When I arrived at the venue, the chauffeur opened the car door for me and I made my way inside. As I entered I tried to observe everything and 'wow' was all that I could say because the architecture and interior design of this hotel is really good. At the center are round tables, on the right side is a long buffet table and on the left is a bar. I walked towards my brother who was wearing tux and greeted him happy birthday for the nth time, I also said hi to his girlfriend who was right beside him. They were with their friends so I decided to go to the bar first and get a drink.

I simply sat there and watched everyone arrive. After about 5 minutes, I was shocked to see that the one who just came in was Gabriel. I walked towards him and led him to my brother. It was weird because they both seemed so close even though they've only met each other for about three times?

Gabriel's POV

As I walked in the hotel, my eyes scanned the whole room and it stopped on the left side where Leisl was already walking right towards me while holding a glass of whatever drink it is in an elegant black dress. The dress really suited her and well... she looked perfect. She went with me when I greeted her brother and her brother introduced to me his girlfriend who was also a doctor. After that, Leisl pulled me away towards the bar and gave me drink.

"You look really good, by the way," I told her after sipping from the cocktail that the bartender gave us.

She returned the compliment by saying, "You too, but..." she grabbed my necktie and fixed it, "You should learn how to fix your necktie, Gabriel. There, perfect." Then she gave me a final look from head to toe.

"Leisl," I called her attention and there she went, raising her eyebrows up on me again. "Can't you just be my girlfriend?" I asked in a serious tone.

She looked at me while laughing and said, "You haven't even courted me yet, Gabriel."

"Because you told me not to and you made me promise not to," I complained. "And why? Just tell me the reason why you did that and if you did, I'll really erase the thought of even courting you." She again laughed and twisted her head sideways while saying my name. "And why do you keep on calling me Gabriel? Gab would be so much easier, you know."

Finally, she stopped drinking and said, "Because you're Gabriel and I certainly don't wanna cut your name, your name's perfect and it won't seem to be that perfect if you just simply say 'Gab' and besides, I know a lot of Gab's in my life so I don't wanna mix you up with them. And if I say Gab, it could mean many other names like Gabby, Gabriella, and many more."

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